
Alan Smith

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6EEBen Strulo, Alan Smith, Jeff Farr: An Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Economies. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 208-209
5 Steve Rudkin, Alan Smith: A Scheme for Component Based Service Deployment. USM 2000: 68-80
4EEAlan Smith, Michael Walpole: An Australasian Experience of the use of Selected Technologies in the Delivery of a Legal Education Program - Some Lessons for Faculties and Educational Program Planners. Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1998(3): (1998)
3 Jérôme Tassel, Bob Briscoe, Alan Smith: An End to End Price-Based QoS Control Component Using Reflective Java. COST 237 Workshop 1997: 18-32
2 Piotr Jankowski, Timothy L. Nyerges, Alan Smith, T. J. Moore, Emory Horvath: Spatial Group Choice: A SDSS Tool for Collaborative Spatial Decision-Making. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(6): 577-602 (1997)
1 Shaun Davey, Dave Huxford, John Liddiard, Mark Powley, Alan Smith: Metrics Collection in Code and Unit Test as Part of Continuous Quality Improvement. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 3(3/4): 125-148 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Bob Briscoe [3]
2Shaun Davey [1]
3Jeff Farr [6]
4Emory Horvath [2]
5Dave Huxford [1]
6Piotr Jankowski [2]
7John Liddiard [1]
8T. J. Moore [2]
9Timothy L. Nyerges [2]
10Mark Powley [1]
11Steve Rudkin [5]
12Ben Strulo [6]
13Jérôme Tassel [3]
14Michael Walpole [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)