
Richard L. Church

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14EEAlan T. Murray, Morton E. O'Kelly, Richard L. Church: Regional service coverage modeling. Computers & OR 35(2): 339-355 (2008)
13EERichard L. Church: BEAMR: An exact and approximate model for the p-median problem. Computers & OR 35(2): 417-426 (2008)
12EEMaria Paola Scaparra, Richard L. Church: A bilevel mixed-integer program for critical infrastructure protection planning. Computers & OR 35(6): 1905-1923 (2008)
11EEMaria Paola Scaparra, Richard L. Church: An exact solution approach for the interdiction median problem with fortification. European Journal of Operational Research 189(1): 76-92 (2008)
10EEArika Ligmann-Zielinska, Richard L. Church, Piotr Jankowski: Spatial optimization as a generative technique for sustainable multiobjective land-use allocation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(6): 601-622 (2008)
9EEMaria Paola Scaparra, Richard L. Church: A GRASP and Path Relinking Heuristic for Rural Road Network Development. J. Heuristics 11(1): 89-108 (2005)
8EERichard L. Church: COBRA: A New Formulation of the Classic p-Median Location Problem. Annals OR 122(1-4): 103-120 (2003)
7EERichard L. Church: Geographical information systems and location science. Computers & OR 29(6): 541-562 (2002)
6EEAlan T. Murray, Richard L. Church: Solving the anti-covering location problem using Lagrangian relaxation. Computers & OR 24(2): 127-140 (1997)
5 Thomas J. Cova, Richard L. Church: Modelling Community Evacuation Vulnerability Using GIS. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(8): 763-784 (1997)
4EERoss A. Gerrard, Richard L. Church: Analyzing tradeoffs between zonal constraints and accessibility in facility location. Computers & OR 21(1): 79-99 (1994)
3EEAjay K. Rathi, Richard L. Church, Rajendra S. Solanki: A macro level analysis of the airlift deployment problem. Computers & OR 19(8): 731-742 (1992)
2EEGeoffrey Bianchi, Richard L. Church: A heuristic for a hybrid fleet model. Computers & OR 17(5): 481-494 (1990)
1EEJared L. Cohon, Charles S. Revelle, John R. Current, Thomas Eagles, Russell C. Eberhart, Richard L. Church: Application of a multiobjective facility location model to power plant siting in a six-state region of the U.S. Computers & OR 7(1-2): 107-123 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Geoffrey Bianchi [2]
2Jared L. Cohon [1]
3Thomas J. Cova [5]
4John R. Current [1]
5Thomas Eagles [1]
6Russell C. Eberhart [1]
7Ross A. Gerrard [4]
8Piotr Jankowski [10]
9Arika Ligmann-Zielinska [10]
10Alan T. Murray [6] [14]
11Morton E. O'Kelly [14]
12Ajay K. Rathi [3]
13Charles S. Revelle [1]
14Maria Paola Scaparra [9] [11] [12]
15Rajendra S. Solanki [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)