
Naoto Iwahashi

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9EEKomei Sugiura, Naoto Iwahashi: Motion recognition and generation by combining reference-point-dependent probabilistic models. IROS 2008: 852-857
8EERyo Taguchi, Naoto Iwahashi, Tsuneo Nitta: Learning Communicative Meanings of Utterances by Robots. JSAI 2008: 62-72
7EENaoto Iwahashi: Interactive Learning of Spoken Words and Their Meanings Through an Audio-Visual Interface. IEICE Transactions 91-D(2): 312-321 (2008)
6EENaoto Iwahashi, Mikio Nakano: Multimodal interfaces in semantic interaction. ICMI 2007: 382
5EETomoaki Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai, Naoto Iwahashi: Multimodal object categorization by a robot. IROS 2007: 2415-2420
4EENaoto Iwahashi: Robots That Learn Language: Developmental Approach to Human-Machine Conversations. EELC 2006: 143-167
3EENaoto Iwahashi: Language acquisition through a human-Crobot interface by combining speech, visual, and behavioral information. Inf. Sci. 156(1-2): 109-121 (2003)
2 Naoto Iwahashi: Statistical Model Based Approach to Spoken Language Acquisition. PRICAI 2000: 657-667
1EEToshio Hirai, Naoto Iwahashi, Norio Higuchi, Yoshinori Sagisaka: Automatic extraction of fundamental frequency control rules by statistical analysis. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(3): 91-100 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Norio Higuchi [1]
2Toshio Hirai [1]
3Takayuki Nagai [5]
4Tomoaki Nakamura [5]
5Mikio Nakano [6]
6Tsuneo Nitta [8]
7Yoshinori Sagisaka [1]
8Komei Sugiura [9]
9Ryo Taguchi [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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