
Kai Lung Hui

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9EEIl-Horn Hann, Kai Lung Hui, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Ivan P. L. Png: Analyzing Online Information Privacy Concerns: An Information Processing Theory Approach. HICSS 2007: 210
8EEYee-Lin Lai, Kai Lung Hui: Internet opt-in and opt-out: investigating the roles of frames, defaults and privacy concerns. CPR 2006: 253-263
7EEKai Lung Hui, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Chyan-Yee Goh: Online information disclosure: Motivators and measurements. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 6(4): 415-441 (2006)
6EEIl-Horn Hann, Kai Lung Hui, Yee-Lin Lai, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Ivan P. L. Png: Who gets spammed? Commun. ACM 49(10): 83-87 (2006)
5EEQiu-Hong Wang, Kai Lung Hui: To Launch or Not to Launch: An Economic Analysis of Delayed Product Introduction. HICSS 2005
4 Yin Lu, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Kai Lung Hui: Inducing Customers to Disclose Personal Information to Internet Businesses with Social Adjustment Benefits. ICIS 2004: 571-582
3 Yee-Lin Lai, Kai Lung Hui: Opting-in or Opting-out on the Internet: Does it Really Matter?. ICIS 2004: 781-792
2 Yunjie Xu, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Kai Lung Hui: Consumer Trust and Online Information Privacy. ICIS 2003: 538-548
1EEKai Lung Hui, Patrick Y. K. Chau: Classifying digital products. Commun. ACM 45(6): 73-79 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Y. K. Chau [1]
2Chyan-Yee Goh [7]
3Il-Horn Hann [6] [9]
4Yee-Lin Lai [3] [6] [8]
5Sang-Yong Tom Lee [6] [9]
6Yin Lu [4]
7Ivan P. L. Png [6] [9]
8Bernard C. Y. Tan [2] [4] [7]
9Qiu-Hong Wang [5]
10Yunjie Xu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)