
Sang-Yong Tom Lee

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7EEIl-Horn Hann, Kai Lung Hui, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Ivan P. L. Png: Analyzing Online Information Privacy Concerns: An Information Processing Theory Approach. HICSS 2007: 210
6EEZhaoli Meng, Sang-Yong Tom Lee: The value of IT to firms in a developing country in the catch-up process: An empirical comparison of China and the United States. Decision Support Systems 43(3): 737-745 (2007)
5EEIl-Horn Hann, Kai Lung Hui, Yee-Lin Lai, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Ivan P. L. Png: Who gets spammed? Commun. ACM 49(10): 83-87 (2006)
4EESang-Yong Tom Lee, Zhaoli Meng: Calculative-based trust and social welfare. ECIS 2004
3EERoghieh Gholami, Sang-Yong Tom Lee, Almas Heshmati: The causal relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and foreign direct investment (FDI). ECIS 2003
2EESang-Yong Tom Lee: How much should my software differ from yours. ECIS 2001
1EESang-Yong Tom Lee: Bundling Strategy in Base-Supplemental Goods Markets: The Case of Microsoft. ECIS 2000

Coauthor Index

1Roghieh Gholami [3]
2Il-Horn Hann [5] [7]
3Almas Heshmati [3]
4Kai Lung Hui [5] [7]
5Yee-Lin Lai [5]
6Zhaoli Meng [4] [6]
7Ivan P. L. Png [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)