
James C. Houk

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8EEJun Wang, Gregory L. Dam, Sule Yildirim, William Rand, Uri Wilensky, James C. Houk: Reciprocity between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex: Nonlinear dynamics in microscopic modules for generating voluntary motor commands. Complexity 14(2): 29-45 (2008)
7EESule Yildirim, Gregory L. Dam, James C. Houk: The mind agents in Netlogo 3.1. SpringSim (2) 2007: 137-143
6EEJames C. Houk: Agents of the mind. Biological Cybernetics 92(6): 427-437 (2005)
5EEAaron J. Gruber, Sara A. Solla, James C. Houk: Dopamine Induced Bistability Enhances Signal Processing in Spiny Neurons. NIPS 2002: 165-172
4 Andrew G. Barto, Andrew H. Fagg, Nathan Sitkoff, James C. Houk: A Cerebellar Model of Timing and Prediction in the Control of Reaching. Neural Computation 11(3): 565-594 (1999)
3EEAndrew G. Barto, James C. Houk: A Predictive Switching Model of Cerebellar Movement Control. NIPS 1995: 138-144
2EEN. E. Berthier, Satinder P. Singh, Andrew G. Barto, James C. Houk: A Cortico-Cerebellar Model that Learns to Generate Distributed Motor Commands to Control a Kinematic Arm. NIPS 1991: 611-618
1EEJames C. Houk: Schema for Motor Control Utilizing a Network Model of the Cerebellum. NIPS 1987: 367-376

Coauthor Index

1Andrew G. Barto [2] [3] [4]
2N. E. Berthier [2]
3Gregory L. Dam [7] [8]
4Andrew H. Fagg [4]
5Aaron J. Gruber [5]
6William Rand [8]
7Satinder P. Singh [2]
8Nathan Sitkoff [4]
9Sara A. Solla [5]
10Jun Wang [8]
11Uri Wilensky [8]
12Sule Yildirim [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)