
Nathan Sitkoff

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2 Andrew G. Barto, Andrew H. Fagg, Nathan Sitkoff, James C. Houk: A Cerebellar Model of Timing and Prediction in the Control of Reaching. Neural Computation 11(3): 565-594 (1999)
1EENathan Sitkoff, Michael E. Wazlowski, Aaron Smith, Harvey F. Silverman: Implementing a genetic algorithm on a parallel custom computing machine. FCCM 1995: 180-189

Coauthor Index

1Andrew G. Barto [2]
2Andrew H. Fagg [2]
3James C. Houk [2]
4Harvey F. Silverman [1]
5Aaron Smith [1]
6Michael E. Wazlowski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)