
H. James Hoover

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28EENathan R. Sturtevant, H. James Hoover, Jonathan Schaeffer, Sean Gouglas, Michael H. Bowling, Finnegan Southey, Matthew Bouchard, Ghassan Zabaneh: Multidisciplinary students and instructors: a second-year games course. SIGCSE 2008: 383-387
27EEPablo Figueroa, Walter F. Bischof, Pierre Boulanger, H. James Hoover, Robyn Taylor: InTml: A Dataflow Oriented Development System for Virtual Reality Applications. Presence 17(5): 492-511 (2008)
26EEGiuseppe A. Di Lucca, Michael Smit, Bruce Fraser, Eleni Stroulia, H. James Hoover: Comprehending Aspect-Oriented Programs: Challenges and Open Issues. ICPC 2007: 286-292
25EEXin Li, H. James Hoover, Piotr Rudnicki: Towards Automatic Exception Safety Verification. FM 2006: 396-411
24EEDaniel L. Moise, Kenny Wong, H. James Hoover, Daqing Hou: Reverse Engineering Scripting Language Extensions. ICPC 2006: 295-306
23EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover: Source-Level Linkage: Adding Semantic Information to C++ Fact-bases. ICSM 2006: 448-457
22EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover: Using SCL to Specify and Check Design Intent in Source Code. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(6): 404-423 (2006)
21EEDaqing Hou, Kenny Wong, H. James Hoover: What Can Programmer Questions Tell Us About Frameworks? IWPC 2005: 87-96
20EEPablo Figueroa, Walter F. Bischof, Pierre Boulanger, H. James Hoover: Efficient comparison of platform alternatives in interactive virtual reality applications. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 62(1): 73-103 (2005)
19EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover, Piotr Rudnicki: Specifying framework constraints with FCL. CASCON 2004: 96-110
18EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover, Piotr Rudnicki: Specifying the Law of Demeter and C++ Programming Guidelines with FCL. SCAM 2004: 119-127
17EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover, Eleni Stroulia: Supporting the Deployment of Object-Oriented Frameworks. CAiSE 2002: 151-166
16EEPablo Figueroa, Mark Green, H. James Hoover: InTml: a description language for VR applications. Web3D 2002: 53-58
15EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover: Towards Specifying Constraints for Object-Oriented Frameworks. Information Systems Frontiers 4(4): 393-407 (2002)
14EEDaqing Hou, H. James Hoover: Towards specifying constraints for object-oriented frameworks. CASCON 2001: 5
13 H. James Hoover, Tony Olekshy, Garry Froehlich, Paul G. Sorenson: Developing engineered product support applications. SPLC 2000: 451-476
12EEGarry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Paul G. Sorenson: Choosing an object-oriented domain framework. ACM Comput. Surv. 32(1es): 17 (2000)
11EEGarry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Wendy Liew, Paul G. Sorenson: Application Framework Issues when Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce. HICSS 1999
10EEGarry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Wendy Liew, Paul G. Sorenson: Application Framework Issues when Evolving Business Applications for Electronic Commerce. Inf. Syst. 24(6): 457-473 (1999)
9 Stephen Rochefort, H. James Hoover: An Exercise in Using Constructive Proof Systems to Address Feature Interactions in Telephony. FIW 1997: 329-341
8EEGarry Froehlich, H. James Hoover, Ling Liu, Paul G. Sorenson: Hooking into Object-Oriented Application Frameworks. ICSE 1997: 491-501
7EEH. James Hoover, Piotr Rudnicki: Uniform Self-Stabilizing Orientation of Unicyclic Networks under Read/Write Atomicity. Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1996: (1996)
6 H. James Hoover: Real Functions, Contraction Mappings and P-Completeness Inf. Comput. 93(2): 333-349 (1991)
5 H. James Hoover: Feasible Real Functions and Arithmetic Circuits. SIAM J. Comput. 19(1): 182-204 (1990)
4 Paul Beame, Stephen A. Cook, H. James Hoover: Log Depth Circuits for Division and Related Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 994-1003 (1986)
3 Stephen A. Cook, H. James Hoover: A Depth-Universal Circuit. SIAM J. Comput. 14(4): 833-839 (1985)
2 Paul Beame, Stephen A. Cook, H. James Hoover: Log Depth Circuits for Division and Related Problems FOCS 1984: 1-6
1EEH. James Hoover, Maria M. Klawe, Nicholas Pippenger: Bounding Fan-out in Logical Networks. J. ACM 31(1): 13-18 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Beame [2] [4]
2Walter F. Bischof [20] [27]
3Matthew Bouchard [28]
4Pierre Boulanger [20] [27]
5Michael H. Bowling [28]
6Stephen A. Cook [2] [3] [4]
7Pablo Figueroa [16] [20] [27]
8Bruce Fraser [26]
9Garry Froehlich [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
10Sean Gouglas [28]
11Mark Green [16]
12Daqing Hou [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24]
13Maria M. Klawe [1]
14Xin Li [25]
15Wendy Liew [10] [11]
16Ling Liu [8]
17Giuseppe A. Di Lucca [26]
18Daniel L. Moise [24]
19Tony Olekshy [13]
20Nicholas Pippenger [1]
21Stephen Rochefort [9]
22Piotr Rudnicki [7] [18] [19] [25]
23Jonathan Schaeffer [28]
24Michael Smit [26]
25Paul G. Sorenson [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
26Finnegan Southey [28]
27Eleni Stroulia [17] [26]
28Nathan R. Sturtevant [28]
29Robyn Taylor [27]
30Kenny Wong [21] [24]
31Ghassan Zabaneh [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)