
Robyn Taylor

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7EERobyn Taylor, Pierre Boulanger, Patrick Olivier, Jayne Wallace: Exploring participatory performance to inform the design of collaborative public interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3721-3726
6EERobyn Taylor, Pierre Boulanger, Patrick Olivier: dream.Medusa: A Participatory Performance. Smart Graphics 2008: 200-206
5EEPablo Figueroa, Walter F. Bischof, Pierre Boulanger, H. James Hoover, Robyn Taylor: InTml: A Dataflow Oriented Development System for Virtual Reality Applications. Presence 17(5): 492-511 (2008)
4EERobyn Taylor, Maryia Kazakevich, Pierre Boulanger, Manuel Garcia, Walter F. Bischof: Multi-modal Interface for Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using 3-D Localized Sound. Smart Graphics 2007: 182-187
3EERobyn Taylor, Pierre Boulanger: Deep Surrender: Musically Controlled Responsive Video. Smart Graphics 2006: 62-69
2EERobyn Taylor, Daniel Torres, Pierre Boulanger: Using Music to Interact with a Virtual Character. NIME 2005: 220-223
1EERobyn Taylor, Pierre Boulanger, Daniel Torres: Visualizing Emotion in Musical Performance Using a Virtual Character. Smart Graphics 2005: 13-24

Coauthor Index

1Walter F. Bischof [4] [5]
2Pierre Boulanger [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Pablo Figueroa [5]
4Manuel Garcia [4]
5H. James Hoover [5]
6Maryia Kazakevich [4]
7Patrick Olivier [6] [7]
8Daniel Torres [1] [2]
9Jayne Wallace [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)