
Kai Homeier

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2EEFred W. Rauskolb, Kai Berger, Christian Lipski, Marcus A. Magnor, Karsten Cornelsen, Jan Effertz, Thomas Form, Fabian Graefe, Sebastian Ohl, Walter Schumacher, Jörn-Marten Wille, Peter Hecker, Tobias Nothdurft, Michael Doering, Kai Homeier, Johannes Morgenroth, Lars C. Wolf, Christian Basarke, Christian Berger, Tim Gülke, Felix Klose, Bernhard Rumpe: Caroline: An autonomously driving vehicle for urban environments. J. Field Robotics 25(9): 674-724 (2008)
1EEThorsten Rennekamp, Kai Homeier, Torsten Kroeger: Distributed Sensing and Prediction of Obstacle Motions for Mobile Robot Motion Planning. IROS 2006: 4833-4838

Coauthor Index

1Christian Basarke [2]
2Christian Berger [2]
3Kai Berger [2]
4Karsten Cornelsen [2]
5Michael Doering [2]
6Jan Effertz [2]
7Thomas Form [2]
8Fabian Graefe [2]
9Tim Gülke [2]
10Peter Hecker [2]
11Felix Klose [2]
12Torsten Kroeger [1]
13Christian Lipski [2]
14Marcus A. Magnor [2]
15Johannes Morgenroth [2]
16Tobias Nothdurft [2]
17Sebastian Ohl [2]
18Fred W. Rauskolb [2]
19Thorsten Rennekamp [1]
20Bernhard Rumpe [2]
21Walter Schumacher [2]
22Jörn-Marten Wille [2]
23Lars C. Wolf [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)