
Tammy Hohlt

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5EEKristina A. Cunningham, Tammy Hohlt: Paper copy to online: the push to get employees into the 21st century. SIGUCCS 2004: 237-240
4EETammy Hohlt, Kristina A. Cunningham: Timeline to efficiency. SIGUCCS 2004: 388-390
3EETammy Hohlt, Kristina A. Cunningham: Teamwork is the heart of technology. SIGUCCS 2003: 213-215
2EEKristina A. Cunningham, Tammy Hohlt: Transitioning to unstaffed computing sites. SIGUCCS 2003: 234-236
1EEJoan Beatty-Lee, Tammy Hohlt, Brandon Hough, Brad Wilders: Building a suspension bridge: how teamwork bridges the gap. SIGUCCS 2001: 220-222

Coauthor Index

1Joan Beatty-Lee [1]
2Kristina A. Cunningham [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Brandon Hough [1]
4Brad Wilders [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)