
Eberhard P. Hofer

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10EEAndreas Rauh, Johanna Minisini, Eberhard P. Hofer: Towards the Development of an Interval Arithmetic Environment for Validated Computer-Aided Design and Verification of Systems in Control Engineering. Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures 2008
9EEEkaterina Auer, Andreas Rauh, Eberhard P. Hofer, Wolfram Luther: Validated Modeling of Mechanical Systems with SmartMOBILE: Improvement of Performance by ValEncIA-IVP. Reliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms 2008: 1-27
8EEKarin Mehr, Eberhard P. Hofer: Automatic Classification for Decision Making of the Severeness of the Acute Radiation Syndrome. Interval / Probabilistic Uncertainty and Non-Classical Logics 2008: 364-371
7EEFrank Lehn, Eberhard P. Hofer: A time-delay approach for modeling chronic radiation injury dynamics. Applied Mathematics and Computation 164(2): 453-466 (2005)
6EEChristian Rembe, Harald Aschemann, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Eberhard P. Hofer, Hélèn Debéda, Jürgen Mohr, Ulrike Wallrabe: Testing and improvement of micro-optical-switch dynamics. Microelectronics Reliability 41(3): 471-480 (2001)
5 Cristina Tarín, Hermann Brugger, Bernd Tibken, Eberhard P. Hofer: Optimal Control for a Synchronous Driven Unicycle-Like Autonomous Mobile Robot. AMS 1999: 313-323
4 Cristina Tarín, Hermann Brugger, Bernd Tibken, Eberhard P. Hofer: Global asymptotisch stabile Positionsregelung für einen autonomen mobilen Roboter. AMS 1998: 130-137
3 Eberhard P. Hofer, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Christian Rembe, Joachim Patzer, Peter Gluche, Rüdiger Leuner, Erhard Kohn: The Diamond Ink Jet. Electronic Imaging 1998: 306-315
2 Christian Rembe, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Michael Beuten, Eberhard P. Hofer: Investigations of nonreproducible phenomena in thermal ink jets with real high speed cine photomicrography. Electronic Imaging 1998: 316-325
1 Eberhard P. Hofer, Bernd Tibken, T. M. Fliedner: Modern Control Theory as a Tool to Describe the Biomathematical Model of Granulocytopoiesis. Analyse dynamischer Systeme in Medizin, Biologie und Ökologie 1990: 33-39

Coauthor Index

1Harald Aschemann [6]
2Ekaterina Auer [9]
3Michael Beuten [2]
4Hermann Brugger [4] [5]
5Hélèn Debéda [6]
6T. M. Fliedner [1]
7Peter Gluche [3]
8Erhard Kohn [3]
9Frank Lehn [7]
10Rüdiger Leuner [3]
11Wolfram Luther [9]
12Karin Mehr [8]
13Johanna Minisini [10]
14Jürgen Mohr [6]
15Joachim Patzer [3]
16Andreas Rauh [9] [10]
17Christian Rembe [2] [3] [6]
18Cristina Tarín [4] [5]
19Bernd Tibken [1] [4] [5]
20Ulrike Wallrabe [6]
21Stefan aus der Wiesche [2] [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)