
Stefan aus der Wiesche

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3EEChristian Rembe, Harald Aschemann, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Eberhard P. Hofer, Hélèn Debéda, Jürgen Mohr, Ulrike Wallrabe: Testing and improvement of micro-optical-switch dynamics. Microelectronics Reliability 41(3): 471-480 (2001)
2 Eberhard P. Hofer, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Christian Rembe, Joachim Patzer, Peter Gluche, Rüdiger Leuner, Erhard Kohn: The Diamond Ink Jet. Electronic Imaging 1998: 306-315
1 Christian Rembe, Stefan aus der Wiesche, Michael Beuten, Eberhard P. Hofer: Investigations of nonreproducible phenomena in thermal ink jets with real high speed cine photomicrography. Electronic Imaging 1998: 316-325

Coauthor Index

1Harald Aschemann [3]
2Michael Beuten [1]
3Hélèn Debéda [3]
4Peter Gluche [2]
5Eberhard P. Hofer [1] [2] [3]
6Erhard Kohn [2]
7Rüdiger Leuner [2]
8Jürgen Mohr [3]
9Joachim Patzer [2]
10Christian Rembe [1] [2] [3]
11Ulrike Wallrabe [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)