
Hermann Brugger

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3EERadka Svobodová Vareková, Ivan Bradác, Martin Plchút, Michal Skrdla, Michael Wacenovsky, Helmuth Mahr, Georg Mayer, Herbert Tanner, Hermann Brugger, Josef Withalm, Peter Lederer, Heinrich Huber, Gerhard Gierlinger, Ronald Graf, Hakim Tafer, Ivo L. Hofacker, Peter Schuster, Martin Polcík: www.rnaworkbench.com: A new program for analyzing RNA interference. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 90(1): 89-94 (2008)
2 Cristina Tarín, Hermann Brugger, Bernd Tibken, Eberhard P. Hofer: Optimal Control for a Synchronous Driven Unicycle-Like Autonomous Mobile Robot. AMS 1999: 313-323
1 Cristina Tarín, Hermann Brugger, Bernd Tibken, Eberhard P. Hofer: Global asymptotisch stabile Positionsregelung für einen autonomen mobilen Roboter. AMS 1998: 130-137

Coauthor Index

1Ivan Bradác [3]
2Gerhard Gierlinger [3]
3Ronald Graf [3]
4Ivo L. Hofacker [3]
5Eberhard P. Hofer [1] [2]
6Heinrich Huber [3]
7Peter Lederer [3]
8Helmuth Mahr [3]
9Georg Mayer [3]
10Martin Plchút [3]
11Martin Polcík [3]
12Peter Schuster [3]
13Michal Skrdla [3]
14Hakim Tafer [3]
15Herbert Tanner [3]
16Cristina Tarín [1] [2]
17Bernd Tibken [1] [2]
18Radka Svobodová Vareková [3]
19Michael Wacenovsky [3]
20Josef Withalm [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)