2008 |
25 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Overlapping Communication and Computation with High Level Communication Routines.
CCGRID 2008: 572-577 |
24 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Timo Schneider,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Multistage switches are not crossbars: Effects of static routing in high-performance networks.
CLUSTER 2008: 116-125 |
23 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Message progression in parallel computing - to thread or not to thread?
CLUSTER 2008: 213-222 |
22 | EE | Patrick Geoffray,
Torsten Hoefler:
Adaptive Routing Strategies for Modern High Performance Networks.
Hot Interconnects 2008: 165-172 |
21 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Timo Schneider,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Accurately measuring collective operations at massive scale.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
20 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Optimizing non-blocking collective operations for infiniband.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
19 | | Timo Schneider,
Torsten Hoefler,
Simon Wunderlich,
Torsten Mehlan,
Wolfgang Rehm:
An Optimized ZGEMM Implementation for the Cell BE.
PASA 2008: 113- |
18 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Florian Lorenzen,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Sparse Non-blocking Collectives in Quantum Mechanical Calculations.
PVM/MPI 2008: 55-63 |
17 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Maraike Schellmann,
Sergei Gorlatch,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Communication Optimization for Medical Image Reconstruction Algorithms.
PVM/MPI 2008: 75-83 |
16 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Peter Gottschling,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Leveraging non-blocking collective communication in high-performance applications.
SPAA 2008: 113-115 |
2007 |
15 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Torsten Mehlan,
Andrew Lumsdaine,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Netgauge: A Network Performance Measurement Framework.
HPCC 2007: 659-671 |
14 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Christian Siebert,
Wolfgang Rehm:
A practically constant-time MPI Broadcast Algorithm for large-scale InfiniBand Clusters with Multicast.
IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
13 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Andre Lichei,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Low-Overhead LogGP Parameter Assessment for Modern Interconnection Networks.
IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
12 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Prabhanjan Kambadur,
Richard L. Graham,
Galen M. Shipman,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
A Case for Standard Non-blocking Collective Operations.
PVM/MPI 2007: 125-134 |
11 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Andrew Lumsdaine,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Implementation and performance analysis of non-blocking collective operations for MPI.
SC 2007: 52 |
10 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Peter Gottschling,
Andrew Lumsdaine,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Optimizing a conjugate gradient solver with non-blocking collective operations.
Parallel Computing 33(9): 624-633 (2007) |
2006 |
9 | | Torsten Hoefler,
Torsten Mehlan,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Adding Low-Cost Hardware Barrier Support to Small Commodity Clusters.
ARCS Workshops 2006: 343-350 |
8 | EE | Frank Mietke,
Robert Rex,
Robert Baumgartl,
Torsten Mehlan,
Torsten Hoefler,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Analysis of the Memory Registration Process in the Mellanox InfiniBand Software Stack.
Euro-Par 2006: 124-133 |
7 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Torsten Mehlan,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Fast barrier synchronization for InfiniBand/spl trade/.
IPDPS 2006 |
6 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Torsten Mehlan,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
LogfP - a model for small messages in InfiniBand.
IPDPS 2006 |
5 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Jeffrey M. Squyres,
Wolfgang Rehm,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
A Case for Non-blocking Collective Operations.
ISPA Workshops 2006: 155-164 |
4 | EE | Torsten Mehlan,
Jochen Strunk,
Torsten Hoefler,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
IRS - A Portable Interface for Reconfigurable Systems.
PARELEC 2006: 187-191 |
3 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Carsten Viertel,
Torsten Mehlan,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
Assessing Single-Message and Multi-Node Communication Performance of InfiniBand.
PARELEC 2006: 227-232 |
2 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Peter Gottschling,
Wolfgang Rehm,
Andrew Lumsdaine:
Optimizing a Conjugate Gradient Solver with Non-Blocking Collective Operations.
PVM/MPI 2006: 374-382 |
2005 |
1 | EE | Torsten Hoefler,
Lavinio Cerquetti,
Torsten Mehlan,
Frank Mietke,
Wolfgang Rehm:
A Practical Approach to the Rating of Barrier Algorithms Using the LogP Model and Open MPI.
ICPP Workshops 2005: 562-569 |