2008 |
20 | EE | Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit:
Towards Software Defined Radios Using Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Hardware.
IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(1): 3-13 (2008) |
2006 |
19 | EE | Gerard J. M. Smit,
André B. J. Kokkeler,
Pascal T. Wolkotte,
Marcel D. van de Burgwal,
Paul M. Heysters:
Efficient architectures for streaming applications.
Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures 2006 |
18 | | Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Casper R. W. van Benthem,
Paul M. Heysters:
Reconfigurable Turbo/Viterbi Channel Decoder in the Coarse-Grained Montium Architecture.
ERSA 2006: 110-116 |
17 | | Marcel D. van de Burgwal,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Paul M. Heysters:
Hydra: An Energy-efficient and Reconfigurable Network Interface.
ERSA 2006: 171-177 |
16 | | Paul M. Heysters:
The Era of Reconfigurable Computing.
ERSA 2006: 257-264 |
15 | | Paul M. Heysters:
Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing for Power Aware Applications.
ERSA 2006: 272- |
2004 |
14 | | Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Egbert Molenkamp:
Energy-Efficiency of the MONTIUM Reconfigurable Tile Processor.
ERSA 2004: 38-44 |
13 | | Gerard J. M. Smit,
Michèl A. J. Rosien,
Yuanqing Guo,
Paul M. Heysters:
Overview of the Tool-flow for the Montium Processor Tile.
ERSA 2004: 45-51 |
12 | EE | Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Gerard J. M. Smit:
Implementation of a HiperLAN/2 Receiver on the Reconfigurable Montium Architecture.
IPDPS 2004 |
11 | EE | Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit:
Mapping Wireless Communication Algorithms onto a Reconfigurable Architecture.
The Journal of Supercomputing 30(3): 263-282 (2004) |
2003 |
10 | EE | Yuanqing Guo,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Hajo Broersma,
Michèl A. J. Rosien,
Paul M. Heysters:
Mapping Applications to a Coarse Grain Reconfigurable System.
Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2003: 221-235 |
9 | | Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Egbert Molenkamp:
Montium - Balancing between Energy-Efficiency, Flexibility and Performance.
Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 235-241 |
8 | | Gerard K. Rauwerda,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
L. F. W. van Hoesel,
Paul M. Heysters:
Mapping Wireless Communication Algorithms to a Reconfigurable Architecture.
Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 242-251 |
7 | EE | Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit:
Mapping of DSP Algorithms on the MONTIUM Architecture.
IPDPS 2003: 180 |
6 | EE | Yuanqing Guo,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Hajo Broersma,
Paul M. Heysters:
Template Generation and Selection Algorithms.
IWSOC 2003: 2-6 |
5 | EE | Yuanqing Guo,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Hajo Broersma,
Paul M. Heysters:
A graph covering algorithm for a coarse grain reconfigurable system.
LCTES 2003: 199-208 |
4 | EE | Paul M. Heysters,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Egbert Molenkamp:
A Flexible and Energy-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Mobile Systems.
The Journal of Supercomputing 26(3): 283-308 (2003) |
2002 |
3 | EE | Gerard J. M. Smit,
Paul J. M. Havinga,
Lodewijk T. Smit,
Paul M. Heysters,
Michèl A. J. Rosien:
Dynamic Reconfiguration in Mobile Systems.
FPL 2002: 171-181 |
2001 |
2 | | Paul J. M. Havinga,
Lodewijk T. Smit,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Martinus Bos,
Paul M. Heysters:
Energy Management for Dynamically Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Mobile Systems.
IPDPS 2001: 86 |
2000 |
1 | EE | Paul M. Heysters,
Jaap Smit,
Gerard J. M. Smit,
Paul J. M. Havinga:
Mapping of DSP Algorithms on Field Programmable Function Arrays.
FPL 2000: 400-411 |