
Mary E. Helander

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8EEJosé Santiváñez, Emanuel Melachrinoudis, Mary E. Helander: Network location of a reliable center using the most reliable route policy. Computers & OR 36(5): 1437-1460 (2009)
7EEThomas Erickson, Catalina M. Danis, Wendy A. Kellogg, Mary E. Helander: Assistance: the work practices of human administrative assistants and their implications for it and organizations. CSCW 2008: 609-618
6EEGiuseppe Valetto, Mary E. Helander, Kate Ehrlich, Sunita Chulani, Mark N. Wegman, Clay Williams: Using Software Repositories to Investigate Socio-technical Congruence in Development Projects. MSR 2007: 25
5EEWojciech Gryc, Mary E. Helander, Richard Lawrence, Yan Liu, Claudia Perlich, Chandan Reddy, Saharon Rosset: Looking for Great Ideas: Analyzing the Innovation Jam. WebKDD/SNA-KDD 2007: 21-39
4EEMary E. Helander, Ming Zhao, Niclas Ohlsson: Planning Models for Software Reliability and Cost. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(6): 420-434 (1998)
3 Niclas Ohlsson, Ming Zhao, Mary E. Helander: Application of multivariate analysis forsoftware fault prediction. Software Quality Journal 7(1): 51-66 (1998)
2EENiclas Ohlsson, Ann Christin Eriksson, Mary E. Helander: Early Risk-Management by Identification of Fault-prone Modules. Empirical Software Engineering 2(2): 166-173 (1997)
1EEEmanuel Melachrinoudis, Mary E. Helander: A single facility location problem on a tree with unreliable edges. Networks 27(4): 219-237 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Sunita Chulani [6]
2Catalina M. Danis [7]
3Kate Ehrlich [6]
4Thomas Erickson [7]
5Ann Christin Eriksson [2]
6Wojciech Gryc [5]
7Wendy A. Kellogg [7]
8Richard Lawrence [5]
9Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [5]
10Emanuel Melachrinoudis [1] [8]
11Niclas Ohlsson [2] [3] [4]
12Claudia Perlich [5]
13Chandan Reddy [5]
14Saharon Rosset [5]
15José Santiváñez [8]
16Giuseppe Valetto [6]
17Mark N. Wegman [6]
18Clay Williams [6]
19Ming Zhao [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)