
Claudia Perlich

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11EEClaudia Perlich, Saharon Rosset, Richard D. Lawrence, Bianca Zadrozny: High-quantile modeling for customer wallet estimation and other applications. KDD 2007: 977-985
10EEClaudia Perlich, Saharon Rosset: Identifying Bundles of Product Options using Mutual Information Clustering. SDM 2007
9EEWojciech Gryc, Mary E. Helander, Richard Lawrence, Yan Liu, Claudia Perlich, Chandan Reddy, Saharon Rosset: Looking for Great Ideas: Analyzing the Innovation Jam. WebKDD/SNA-KDD 2007: 21-39
8EESaharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich, Bianca Zadrozny: Ranking-based evaluation of regression models. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 12(3): 331-353 (2007)
7EESaharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich, Yan Liu: Making the most of your data: KDD Cup 2007 "How Many Ratings" winner's report. SIGKDD Explorations 9(2): 66-69 (2007)
6EESrujana Merugu, Saharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich: A new multi-view regression approach with an application to customer wallet estimation. KDD 2006: 656-661
5EEClaudia Perlich, Foster J. Provost: Distribution-based aggregation for relational learning with identifier attributes. Machine Learning 62(1-2): 65-105 (2006)
4EESaharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich, Bianca Zadrozny: Ranking-Based Evaluation of Regression Models. ICDM 2005: 370-377
3EEClaudia Perlich, Foster J. Provost: Aggregation-based feature invention and relational concept classes. KDD 2003: 167-176
2EEClaudia Perlich, Foster J. Provost, Jeffrey S. Simonoff: Tree Induction vs. Logistic Regression: A Learning-Curve Analysis. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4: 211-255 (2003)
1EEClaudia Perlich, Foster J. Provost, Sofus A. Macskassy: Predicting citation rates for physics papers: constructing features for an ordered probit model. SIGKDD Explorations 5(2): 154-155 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Wojciech Gryc [9]
2Mary E. Helander [9]
3Richard Lawrence [9]
4Richard D. Lawrence [11]
5Yan Liu (Yan (Jenny) Liu) [7] [9]
6Sofus A. Macskassy [1]
7Srujana Merugu [6]
8Foster J. Provost [1] [2] [3] [5]
9Chandan Reddy [9]
10Saharon Rosset [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Jeffrey S. Simonoff [2]
12Bianca Zadrozny [4] [8] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)