
Y. He

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11EEY. He, Jörn Ostermann, Masayuki Tanimoto, Aljoscha Smolic: Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video Coding. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(11): 1433-1435 (2007)
10EEG. Shen, Y. He, W. Cao, S. Li: MPEG-2 to WMV Transcoder With Adaptive Error Compensation and Dynamic Switches. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 16(12): 1460-1476 (2006)
9EEC. Z. Zhu, Y. F. Zang, M. Liang, L. X. Tian, Y. He, X. B. Li, M. Q. Sui, Y. F. Wang, T. Z. Jiang: Discriminative Analysis of Brain Function at Resting-State for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. MICCAI (2) 2005: 468-475
8 F. Su, C. Qu, Y. He, M. Xia: Study on the Application of Wavelet Transform in Detection of Low Observable Targets. WAA 2003: 503-
7 C. Qu, Y. He, F. Su: A Resolution Comparison int he Wavelet Transform and Several Time-Frequency Representations. WAA 2003: 827-832
6EEY. He, X. Min: On-Line Uniform Machine Scheduling with Rejection. Computing 65(1): 1-12 (2000)
5 Steven A. Demurjian, Y. He, T. C. Ting, M. Saba: Software Agents for Role Based Security. DBSec 1999: 79-93
4EEB. Zhong, John MacIntyre, Y. He, John Tait: High Order Neural Networks for Simultaneous Diagnosis of Multiple Faults in Rotating Machines. Neural Computing and Applications 8(3): 189-195 (1999)
3EERainer E. Burkard, Y. He, Hans Kellerer: A Linear Compound Algorithm for Uniform Machine Scheduling. Computing 61(1): 1-10 (1998)
2EERainer E. Burkard, Y. He: A Note on MULTIFIT Scheduling for Uniform Machines. Computing 61(3): 277-283 (1998)
1EEY. He, Ugur Çilingiroglu, Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio: A high-density and low-power charge-based Hamming network. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 1(1): 56-62 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Rainer E. Burkard [2] [3]
2W. Cao [10]
3Ugur Çilingiroglu [1]
4Steven A. Demurjian [5]
5T. Z. Jiang [9]
6Hans Kellerer [3]
7S. Li [10]
8X. B. Li [9]
9M. Liang [9]
10John MacIntyre [4]
11X. Min [6]
12Jörn Ostermann [11]
13C. Qu [7] [8]
14M. Saba [5]
15Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio [1]
16G. Shen [10]
17Aljoscha Smolic [11]
18F. Su [7] [8]
19M. Q. Sui [9]
20John Tait [4]
21Masayuki Tanimoto [11]
22L. X. Tian [9]
23T. C. Ting [5]
24Y. F. Wang [9]
25M. Xia [8]
26Y. F. Zang [9]
27B. Zhong [4]
28C. Z. Zhu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)