
Laura Wynter

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15EELaura Wynter: Stochastic Bilevel Programs. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3736-3743
14EEParijat Dube, Zhen Liu, Laura Wynter, Cathy H. Xia: Competitive equilibrium in e-commerce: Pricing and outsourcing. Computers & OR 34(12): 3541-3559 (2007)
13EEParijat Dube, Corinne Touati, Laura Wynter: Capacity planning, quality of service and price wars. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 35(3): 31-33 (2007)
12EEDimitrios E. Pendarakis, Jeremy Silber, Laura Wynter: Autonomic Management of Stream Processing Applications via Adaptive Bandwidth Control. ICDCS 2006: 7
11EEEitan Altman, Thomas Boulogne, Rachid El Azouzi, Tania Jiménez, Laura Wynter: A survey on networking games in telecommunications. Computers & OR 33: 286-311 (2006)
10EEZhen Liu, Laura Wynter, Cathy H. Xia, Fan Zhang: Parameter inference of queueing models for IT systems using end-to-end measurements. Perform. Eval. 63(1): 36-60 (2006)
9EEZhen Liu, Vishal Misra, Laura Wynter: Dynamic offloading in a multi-provider environment: a behavioral framework for use in influencing peering. CCGRID 2004: 449-458
8 Yezekael Hayel, Laura Wynter, Parijat Dube: Analysis of a Yield Managementmodel for on Demand Computing Centers. I3E 2004: 359-372
7EECorinne Touati, Parijat Dube, Laura Wynter: Performance Planning, Quality-of-Service, and Pricing under Competition. NETWORKING 2004: 442-453
6EELaura Wynter, Cathy H. Xia, Fan Zhang: Parameter inference of queueing models for IT systems using end-to-end measurements. SIGMETRICS 2004: 408-409
5EELaura Wynter: Optimizing Proportionally Fair Prices. Telecommunication Systems 27(1): 67-83 (2004)
4EEZhen Liu, Laura Wynter, Cathy H. Xia: Pricing and QoS of information services in a competitive market (extended abstract). ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 188-189
3EEZhen Liu, Laura Wynter, Cathy H. Xia: Usage-based versus flat pricing for e-business services with differentiated QoS. CEC 2003: 355-362
2EEMustapha Bouhtou, Madiagne Diallo, Laura Wynter: Capacitated Network Revenue Management through Shadow Pricing. Networked Group Communication 2003: 342-351
1EEMichael Patriksson, Laura Wynter: Stochastic mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. Oper. Res. Lett. 25(4): 159-167 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Eitan Altman [11]
2Rachid El Azouzi [11]
3Mustapha Bouhtou [2]
4Thomas Boulogne [11]
5Madiagne Diallo [2]
6Parijat Dube [7] [8] [13] [14]
7Yezekael Hayel [8]
8Tania Jiménez [11]
9Zhen Liu [3] [4] [9] [10] [14]
10Vishal Misra [9]
11Michael Patriksson [1]
12Dimitrios E. Pendarakis [12]
13Jeremy Silber [12]
14Corinne Touati [7] [13]
15Cathy H. Xia [3] [4] [6] [10] [14]
16Fan Zhang [6] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)