
Bachar El Hassan

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4EENada Chendeb, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Bachar El Hassan: Effect of Transmission Opportunity Limit on Transmission Time Modeling in 802.11e. IPOM 2007: 156-167
3EEAlain Guyot, Marc Renaudin, Bachar El Hassan, Volker Levering: Self timed division and square-root extraction. VLSI Design 1996: 376-381
2 Gilles Privat, Frédéric Robin, Marc Renaudin, Bachar El Hassan: A Fine-Grain Asynchronous VLSI Cellular Array Processor Architecture. ISCAS 1995: 1041-1044
1 Marc Renaudin, Bachar El Hassan: The Design of Fast Asynchronous Adder Structures and their Implementation Using D.C.V.S. Logic. ISCAS 1994: 291-294

Coauthor Index

1Nada Chendeb [4]
2Yacine Ghamri-Doudane (Y. M. Ghamri Doudane) [4]
3Alain Guyot [3]
4Volker Levering [3]
5Gilles Privat [2]
6Marc Renaudin [1] [2] [3]
7Frédéric Robin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)