
Gilles Privat

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7EEMarc Lacoste, Gilles Privat, Fano Ramparany: Evaluating Confidence in Context for Context-Aware Security. AmI 2007: 211-229
6EEYan Grunenberger, Phuong Hoang Nguyen, Gilles Privat, Jozef Hatala, Pascal Sicard: Distributed Multi-source Video Composition on High Capacity Networks. MIPS 2004: 96-107
5EEFabrice Blache, Naoufel Chraiet, Olivier Daroux, Frédéric Evennou, Thibaud Flury, Gilles Privat, Jean-Paul Viboud: Position-Based Interaction for Indoor Ambient Intelligence Environments. EUSAI 2003: 192-207
4EEMarc Brelot, Gilles Privat: Object Graphs as Pivotal Representations for Hypermedia. IDMS 1998: 272-277
3 Marc Brelot, Gilles Privat: Object Encapsulation of Multiscale Image Region Representations. ECMAST 1997: 375-394
2 Frédéric Robin, Gilles Privat, Marc Renaudin: Asynchronous Relaxation of Morphological Operators: A Joint Algorithm-Architecture Perspective. IJPRAI 11(7): 1085-1094 (1997)
1 Gilles Privat, Frédéric Robin, Marc Renaudin, Bachar El Hassan: A Fine-Grain Asynchronous VLSI Cellular Array Processor Architecture. ISCAS 1995: 1041-1044

Coauthor Index

1Fabrice Blache [5]
2Marc Brelot [3] [4]
3Naoufel Chraiet [5]
4Olivier Daroux [5]
5Frédéric Evennou [5]
6Thibaud Flury [5]
7Yan Grunenberger [6]
8Bachar El Hassan [1]
9Jozef Hatala [6]
10Marc Lacoste [7]
11Phuong Hoang Nguyen [6]
12Fano Ramparany [7]
13Marc Renaudin [1] [2]
14Frédéric Robin [1] [2]
15Pascal Sicard [6]
16Jean-Paul Viboud [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)