
Yutaka Miyake

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12EEKeisuke Takemori, Masakatsu Nishigaki, Tomohiro Takami, Yutaka Miyake: Detection of Bot Infected PCs Using Destination-Based IP and Domain Whitelists During a Non-Operating Term. GLOBECOM 2008: 2072-2077
11 Akira Yamada, Ayumu Kubota, Yutaka Miyake: Service Independent Access Control Architecture for User Generated Content (UGC). Security and Management 2008: 220-226
10EEAkira Yamada, Yutaka Miyake, Keisuke Takemori, Ahren Studer, Adrian Perrig: Intrusion Detection for Encrypted Web Accesses. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 569-576
9EEKeisuke Takemori, Yutaka Miyake, Chie Ishida, Iwao Sasase: A SOC Framework for ISP Federation and Attack Forecast by Learning Propagation Patterns. ISI 2007: 172-179
8EEShinsaku Kiyomoto, Toshiaki Tanaka, Yutaka Miyake, Yoshinori Mitamura: Development of security functions for a medical information sharing platform. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(11): 49-63 (2007)
7EEAyumu Kubota, Akira Yamada, Yutaka Miyake: L2VPN over Chord: Hosting Millions of Small Zeroconf Networks over DHT Nodes. GLOBECOM 2006
6EEAyumu Kubota, Yutaka Miyake, Toshiaki Tanaka: Secure Host Name Resolution Infrastructure for Overlay Networks. IEICE Transactions 89-B(9): 2434-2439 (2006)
5EEAkira Yamada, Yutaka Miyake, Keisuke Takemori, Toshiaki Tanaka: Intrusion Detection System to Detect Variant Attacks Using Learning Algorithms with Automatic Generation of Training Data. ITCC (1) 2005: 650-655
4EEGrit Denker, Jonathan K. Millen, Yutaka Miyake: Cross-Domain Access Control via PKI. POLICY 2002: 202-205
3EEYutaka Miyake, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Toru Hasegawa, Toshihiko Kato: Acceleration of TCP Throughput over Satellite-Based Internet Access Using TCP Gateway. ISCC 2000: 245-253
2 Toshihiko Kato, Tomohiko Ogishi, Hiroyuki Shinbo, Yutaka Miyake, Akira Idoue, Kenji Suzuki: Interoperability Testing System of TCP/IP Based Systems in Operational Environment. TestCom 2000: 143-
1EEYutaka Miyake, Toshihiko Kato, Kenji Suzuki: Implementation method of high speed protocol as transport library. ICNP 1995: 172-179

Coauthor Index

1Grit Denker [4]
2Teruyuki Hasegawa [3]
3Toru Hasegawa [3]
4Akira Idoue [2]
5Chie Ishida [9]
6Toshihiko Kato [1] [2] [3]
7Shinsaku Kiyomoto [8]
8Ayumu Kubota [6] [7] [11]
9Jonathan K. Millen [4]
10Yoshinori Mitamura [8]
11Masakatsu Nishigaki [12]
12Tomohiko Ogishi [2]
13Adrian Perrig [10]
14Iwao Sasase [9]
15Hiroyuki Shinbo [2]
16Ahren Studer [10]
17Kenji Suzuki [1] [2]
18Tomohiro Takami [12]
19Keisuke Takemori [5] [9] [10] [12]
20Toshiaki Tanaka [5] [6] [8]
21Akira Yamada [5] [7] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)