
Masud Hasan

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16EEMd. Muhibur Rasheed, Masud Hasan, M. Sohel Rahman: Maximum Neighbour Voronoi Games. WALCOM 2009: 93-104
15EEMaruf Ahmed, Sharif M. H. Chowdhury, Masud Hasan: List Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms for Distributed Memory Systems with Improved Time Complexity. ICDCN 2008: 257-262
14EEMaruf Ahmed, Sharif M. H. Chowdhury, Masud Hasan: Fast Preemptive Task Scheduling Algorithm for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Distributed Memory Systems. SNPD 2008: 720-725
13EEMuhammad Ashraful Alam, Masud Hasan: Computing Nice Projections of Convex Polyhedra. WALCOM 2008: 111-119
12EEMuhammad Abdullah Adnan, Masud Hasan: Characterizing Graphs of Zonohedra CoRR abs/0811.0254: (2008)
11EEMahfuza Sharmin, Rukhsana Yeasmin, Masud Hasan: Sorting by Prefix Reversals and Prefix Transpositions with Forward March CoRR abs/0812.3933: (2008)
10EEMasud Hasan, Anna Lubiw: Equiprojective polyhedra. Comput. Geom. 40(2): 148-155 (2008)
9EEAtif Rahman, Swakkhar Shatabda, Masud Hasan: An approximation algorithm for sorting by reversals and transpositions. J. Discrete Algorithms 6(3): 449-457 (2008)
8EETherese C. Biedl, Masud Hasan, Alejandro López-Ortiz: Reconstructing Convex Polygons and Polyhedra from Edge and Face Counts in Orthogonal Projections. FSTTCS 2007: 400-411
7EEAsif I. Khan, Nadia Nusrat, Samira M. Khan, Masud Hasan, Mozammel H. A. Khan: Quantum Realization of Some Ternary Circuits Using Muthukrishnan-Stroud Gates. ISMVL 2007: 20
6 Atif Rahman, Swakkhar Shatabda, Masud Hasan: Approximation Algorithm for Sorting by Reversals and Transpositions. WALCOM 2007: 97-108
5EETherese C. Biedl, Masud Hasan, Alejandro López-Ortiz: Efficient View Point Selection for Silhouettes of Convex Polyhedra. MFCS 2004: 735-747
4 Masud Hasan, Anna Lubiw: Equiprojective Polyhedra. CCCG 2003: 47-50
3EEMasud Hasan, Md. Saidur Rahman, Takao Nishizeki: A linear algorithm for compact box-drawings of trees. Networks 42(3): 160-164 (2003)
2EETherese C. Biedl, Masud Hasan, Joseph Douglas Horton, Alejandro López-Ortiz, Tomás Vinar: Searching for the center of a circle. CCCG 2002: 137-141
1EEMasud Hasan, Md. Saidur Rahman, Takao Nishizeki: A linear algorithm for compact box-drawings of trees. CCCG 2002: 154-157

Coauthor Index

1Muhammad Abdullah Adnan [12]
2Maruf Ahmed [14] [15]
3Muhammad Ashraful Alam [13]
4Therese C. Biedl [2] [5] [8]
5Sharif M. H. Chowdhury [14] [15]
6Joseph Douglas Horton (Joseph D. Horton) [2]
7Asif I. Khan [7]
8Mozammel H. A. Khan [7]
9Samira M. Khan [7]
10Alejandro López-Ortiz [2] [5] [8]
11Anna Lubiw [4] [10]
12Takao Nishizeki [1] [3]
13Nadia Nusrat [7]
14Atif Rahman [6] [9]
15Md. Saidur Rahman [1] [3]
16Mohammad Sohel Rahman (M. Sohel Rahman) [16]
17Md. Muhibur Rasheed [16]
18Mahfuza Sharmin [11]
19Swakkhar Shatabda [6] [9]
20Tomás Vinar [2]
21Rukhsana Yeasmin [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)