
Joseph Douglas Horton

Joseph D. Horton

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22EETherese C. Biedl, Joseph Douglas Horton, Alejandro López-Ortiz: Cross-Stitching Using Little Thread. CCCG 2005: 199-202
21EEJoseph D. Horton, Franziska Berger: Minimum cycle bases of graphs over different fields. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 501-505 (2005)
20EETherese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Alexander Golynski, Joseph Douglas Horton, Alejandro López-Ortiz, Guillaume Poirier, Claude-Guy Quimper: Optimal Dynamic Video-on-Demand Using Adaptive Broadcasting. ESA 2003: 90-101
19EEJoseph Douglas Horton, Alejandro López-Ortiz: On the number of distributed measurement points for network tomography. Internet Measurement Comference 2003: 204-209
18EETherese C. Biedl, Masud Hasan, Joseph Douglas Horton, Alejandro López-Ortiz, Tomás Vinar: Searching for the center of a circle. CCCG 2002: 137-141
17EEAlexander Golynski, Joseph Douglas Horton: A Polynomial Time Algorithm to Find the Minimum Cycle Basis of a Regular Matroid. SWAT 2002: 200-209
16EEJoseph Douglas Horton, Walter D. Wallis: Factoring the cartesian product of a cubic graph and a triangle. Discrete Mathematics 259(1-3): 137-146 (2002)
15EEJoseph D. Horton: Counting the Number of Equivalent Binary Resolution Proofs. LPAR 2001: 157-171
14 Bruce Spencer, Joseph Douglas Horton: Support Ordered Resolution. CADE 2000: 385-400
13 Bruce Spencer, Joseph Douglas Horton: Efficient Algorithms to Detect and Restore Minimality, an Extension of the Regular Restriction of Resolution. J. Autom. Reasoning 25(1): 1-34 (2000)
12 Peter Baumgartner, Joseph Douglas Horton, Bruce Spencer: Merge Path Improvements for Minimal Model Hyper Tableaux. TABLEAUX 1999: 51-65
11EEJoseph Douglas Horton, Bruce Spencer: Rank/Activity: A Canonical Form for Binary Resolution. CADE 1998: 412-426
10 Bruce Spencer, Joseph Douglas Horton: Extending the Regular Restriction of Resolution to Non-Linear Subdeductions. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 478-483
9 Michael G. Lamoureux, Joseph Douglas Horton, Bradford G. Nickerson: Dynamizing domination queries in 2-dimensions: The paper stabbing problem revisited. CCCG 1997
8EEJoseph Douglas Horton, Bruce Spencer: Clause Trees: A Tool for Understanding and Implementing Resolution in Automated Reasoning. Artif. Intell. 92(1-2): 25-89 (1997)
7 Joseph Douglas Horton, R. H. Cooper, W. F. Hyslop, Bradford G. Nickerson, O. K. Ward, R. Harland, E. Ashby, W. M. Stewart: The Cascade Vulnerability Problem. Journal of Computer Security 2(4): 279-290 (1993)
6 Joseph Douglas Horton: A Polynomial-Time Algorithm to Find the Shortest Cycle Basis of a Graph. SIAM J. Comput. 16(2): 358-366 (1987)
5 Joseph Douglas Horton: Resolvable Path Designs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 39(2): 117-131 (1985)
4EEMark N. Ellingham, Joseph Douglas Horton: Non-hamiltonian 3-connected cubic bipartite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 34(3): 350-353 (1983)
3 Joseph Douglas Horton: Sub-Latin Squares and Incomplete Orthogonal Arrays. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 16(1): 23-33 (1974)
2 R. G. Stanton, Joseph Douglas Horton: A Multiplication Theorem for Room Squares. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 12(3): 322-325 (1972)
1 J. G. Kalbfleisch, R. G. Stanton, Joseph Douglas Horton: On Covering Sets and Error-Correcting Codes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 11(3): 233-250 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1E. Ashby [7]
2Peter Baumgartner [12]
3Franziska Berger [21]
4Therese C. Biedl [18] [20] [22]
5R. H. Cooper [7]
6Erik D. Demaine [20]
7Mark N. Ellingham [4]
8Alexander Golynski [17] [20]
9R. Harland [7]
10Masud Hasan [18]
11W. F. Hyslop [7]
12J. G. Kalbfleisch [1]
13Michael G. Lamoureux [9]
14Alejandro López-Ortiz [18] [19] [20] [22]
15Bradford G. Nickerson [7] [9]
16Guillaume Poirier [20]
17Claude-Guy Quimper [20]
18Bruce Spencer [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
19R. G. Stanton [1] [2]
20W. M. Stewart [7]
21Tomás Vinar [18]
22Walter D. Wallis (W. D. Wallis) [16]
23O. K. Ward [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)