
Shuusuke Haruna

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4EESusumu Hayashi, Pan YiBing, Masami Sato, Kenji Mori, Sul Sejeon, Shuusuke Haruna: Test Driven Development of UML Models with SMART Modeling System. UML 2004: 395-409
3EEShuusuke Haruna, Norio Sanada, Hisayuki Kinoh, Kazutoshi Sumiya, Kazuo Taki: A GUI software development system for digital AV applications. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(7): 99-107 (2003)
2EEShuusuke Haruna, Norio Sanada, Hisayuki Kinoh: A GUI Software Design Model and its Runtime Architecture for Digital AV Applications. ISMSE 2000: 347-351
1 Kazutoshi Sumiya, Takashi Ohtsu, Shuusuke Haruna, Yoshihiko Imai: Visual CASE: An Object-Oriented Software Development System for Home Appliances. TOOLS (11) 1993: 97-107

Coauthor Index

1Susumu Hayashi [4]
2Yoshihiko Imai [1]
3Hisayuki Kinoh [2] [3]
4Kenji Mori [4]
5Takashi Ohtsu [1]
6Norio Sanada [2] [3]
7Masami Sato [4]
8Sul Sejeon [4]
9Kazutoshi Sumiya [1] [3]
10Kazuo Taki [3]
11Pan YiBing [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)