
Susumu Hayashi

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19EESusumu Hayashi: Can Proofs be Animated by Games? Fundam. Inform. 77(4): 331-343 (2007)
18EESusumu Hayashi: Mathematics based on incremental learning - Excluded middle and inductive inference. Theor. Comput. Sci. 350(1): 125-139 (2006)
17 Stefano Berardi, Thierry Coquand, Susumu Hayashi: Games with 1-backtracking. GALOP 2005: 210-225
16EESusumu Hayashi: Can Proofs Be Animated By Games? TLCA 2005: 11-22
15EEYohji Akama, Stefano Berardi, Susumu Hayashi, Ulrich Kohlenbach: An Arithmetical Hierarchy of the Law of Excluded Middle and Related Principles. LICS 2004: 192-201
14EESusumu Hayashi, Pan YiBing, Masami Sato, Kenji Mori, Sul Sejeon, Shuusuke Haruna: Test Driven Development of UML Models with SMART Modeling System. UML 2004: 395-409
13EESusumu Hayashi: Mathematics Based on Learning. ALT 2002: 7-21
12EESusumu Hayashi, Yohji Akama: Limit-Computable Mathematics and Its Applications. CSL 2002: 1
11EESusumu Hayashi: Mathematics Based on Learning. Discovery Science 2002: 1
10EESusumu Hayashi, Ryosuke Sumitomo, Ken-ichiro Shii: Towards the animation of proofs - testing proofs by examples. Theor. Comput. Sci. 272(1-2): 177-195 (2002)
9EESusumu Hayashi, Masahiro Nakata: Towards Limit Computable Mathematics. TYPES 2000: 125-144
8EESusumu Hayashi, Ryosuke Sumitomo: Testing Proofs by Examples. ASIAN 1998: 1-3
7EESusumu Hayashi, Masakazu Ishikawa, Satoshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nakano, Syuichi Nakazaki: Two Extensions of PX system. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 3: (1996)
6 Susumu Hayashi, Yukihide Takayama: Lifschitz' Logic of Calcubable Numbers and Optimizations in Program Extraction. Logic, Language and Computation 1994: 1-9
5 Mariko Yasugi, Susumu Hayashi: A Functional System with Transfinitely Defined Types. Logic, Language and Computation 1994: 31-60
4 Susumu Hayashi: Singleton, Union and Intersection Types for Program Extraction Inf. Comput. 109(1/2): 174-210 (1994)
3 Susumu Hayashi: Logic of Refinement Types. TYPES 1993: 108-126
2 Susumu Hayashi: Singleton, Union and Intersection Types for Program Extraction. TACS 1991: 701-730
1 Susumu Hayashi: Adjunction of Semifunctors: Categorical Structures in Nonextensional Lambda Calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 41: 95-104 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Yohji Akama [12] [15]
2Stefano Berardi [15] [17]
3Thierry Coquand [17]
4Shuusuke Haruna [14]
5Masakazu Ishikawa [7]
6Satoshi Kobayashi [7]
7Ulrich Kohlenbach [15]
8Kenji Mori [14]
9Hiroshi Nakano [7]
10Masahiro Nakata [9]
11Syuichi Nakazaki [7]
12Masami Sato [14]
13Sul Sejeon [14]
14Ken-ichiro Shii [10]
15Ryosuke Sumitomo [8] [10]
16Yukihide Takayama [6]
17Mariko Yasugi [5]
18Pan YiBing [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)