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ISMSE 2000: Taipei, Taiwan

2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (ISMSE 2000), 11-13 December 2000, Taipei, Taiwan. IEEE Computer Society 2000, ISBN 0-7695-0933-9 BibTeX
  title     = {2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering
               (ISMSE 2000), 11-13 December 2000, Taipei, Taiwan},
  booktitle = {ISMSE},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {2000},
  isbn      = {0-7695-0933-9},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

Tutorial Speeches

Keynote Speeches

Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications

Multimedia Authoring and Multimedia File Systems and Databases

Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineerin

Multimedia Architecture and Multimedia Communications and Networking

Software Development on Internet Applications

E-Commerce Software Developing Environment

Requirements and Design Specification Techniques and Visual Programming

Neutral Networks and Signal Processing

Image Processing (I)

Component-Based Software Engineerin

Image processing (II)

Multimedia over Mobile Systems and User-Interface Design

Architecture Specification Languages and Software Development Using Multimedia Technique

Multimedia Tools for Learning and Collaborative Application

Systems and Software Engineering Technology for Web-Based Multimedia Applications

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:30:47 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)