
Carol Chrisman

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6 Fang Chen, Carol Chrisman, Joaquin Vila: Simplifying Maintenance of Web Pull-down Menus Through A Dynamic Menu Builder Approach. WebNet 2001: 1291-1294
5EECindy Hanchey, Marguerite Summers, Carol Chrisman, Joyce Currie Little, Richard A. Lejk: Managing student teams in information systems courses (panel session). SIGCSE 1990: 265
4EEJanet Hartman, Carol Chrisman: Providing activities for students to apply data structures concepts. SIGCSE 1987: 336-342
3EECarol Chrisman, Barbara Beccue: Evaluating students in systems development group projects. SIGCSE 1987: 366-373
2EECarol Chrisman, Barbara Beccue: Entity relationship models as a tool for data analysis and design. SIGCSE 1986: 8-14
1EECarol Chrisman, Barbara Beccue: The role of fourth generation tools in systems development (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 425

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Beccue [1] [2] [3]
2Fang Chen [6]
3Cindy Hanchey [5]
4Janet Hartman [4]
5Richard A. Lejk [5]
6Joyce Currie Little [5]
7Marguerite Summers [5]
8Joaquin Vila [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)