3. FMLDO 1991:
Jutta Göers,
Andreas Heuer,
Gunter Saake (Eds.):
Third Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects,
23.9.-27.9.1991. Institut für Informatik,
Technische Universität Clausthal,
Erzstraße 1,
Informatik-Bericht 91/3
- Markus Tresch:
A Framework for Schema Evolution by Meta Object Manipulation.
1-13 BibTeX
- Constantin Arapis:
Temporal Specifications of Object Interactions.
15-35 BibTeX
- Paul Spruit, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
Declarative Semantics of Passive and Active Updates in Logic Databases.
37-46 BibTeX
- Geert-Jan Houben, Peter A. C. Verkoulen:
An Integrated Approach to Modelling Structural and Behavioural Aspects of Complex Objects.
47-63 BibTeX
- Ranabir Gupta, Gary Hall:
Modeling Generation.
65-76 BibTeX
- Anton P. Karadimce, Susan Darling Urban:
Diagnosing Anomalous Rule Behavior in Databases with Integrity Maintenance Production Rules.
77-102 BibTeX
- Jan Van den Bussche:
Active Complex Object Databases (Working Paper).
103-113 BibTeX
- Udo W. Lipeck, Heren Zhou:
Monitoring Dynamic Integrity Constraints on Finite State Sequences and Existence Intervals.
115-130 BibTeX
- Stéphane Grumbach, Christophe Tollu:
The Generic Complexity of Query Languages with Counters (Extended Abstract).
131-146 BibTeX
- Peter Peelman, Jan Paredaens, Letizia Tanca:
Deductive Languages: A Graph-Based Approach.
147-172 BibTeX
- Hendrik Decker:
On Explanations in Deductive Databases.
173-185 BibTeX
- Chris Tuijn, Marc Gyssens, Jan Paredaens:
A Categorial Approach to Object-Oriented Data Modeling.
187-196 BibTeX
- Suad Alagic, Mara Alagic:
Joins as Pullbacks.
197-207 BibTeX
- Paul Spruit, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Roel Wieringa:
Discussion Issues for a Working Group on Update Semantics of Logic Databases.
209-210 BibTeX
- Holger Riedel:
Working Group 2: Efficient Rule Processing in Object Models.
211-213 BibTeX
- Cristina Sernadas, Paula Gouveia, Antónia Lopes:
Gentzen-Type System for Verification in Conceptual Modeling.
215-228 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:18 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)