
Heinz Hügli

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21EEIva Bogdanova, Alexandre Bur, Heinz Hügli: Visual Attention on the Sphere. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(11): 2000-2014 (2008)
20EEAlexandre Bur, Heinz Hügli: Optimal Cue Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision. IWINAC (2) 2007: 109-118
19 Heinz Hügli, Thierry Zamofing: Pedestrian detection by range imaging. VISAPP (Special Sessions) 2007: 18-22
18EENabil Ouerhani, Alexandre Bur, Heinz Hügli: Linear vs. Nonlinear Feature Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision. DAGM-Symposium 2006: 314-323
17EEAlexandre Bur, Adriana Tapus, Nabil Ouerhani, Roland Siegwart, Heinz Hügli: Robot Navigation by Panoramic Vision and Attention Guided Fetaures. ICPR (1) 2006: 695-698
16EEHeinz Hügli, Timothée Jost, Nabil Ouerhani: Model Performance for Visual Attention in Real 3D Color Scenes. IWINAC (2) 2005: 469-478
15EETimothée Jost, Nabil Ouerhani, Roman von Wartburg, René Müri, Heinz Hügli: Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 100(1-2): 107-123 (2005)
14EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli, Gabriel Gruener, Alain Codourey: A Visual Attention-Based Approach for Automatic Landmark Selection and Recognition. WAPCV 2004: 183-195
13EETimothée Jost, Heinz Hügli: A Multi-Resolution ICP with Heuristic Closest Point Search for Fast and Robust 3D Registration of Range Images. 3DIM 2003: 427-433
12EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli: A Model of Dynamic Visual Attention for Object Tracking in Natural Image Sequences. IWANN (1) 2003: 702-709
11EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli: MAPS: Multiscale Attention-Based PreSegmentation of Color Images. Scale-Space 2003: 537-549
10EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli: Real-time visual attention on a massively parallel SIMD architecture. Real-Time Imaging 9(3): 189-196 (2003)
9EETimothée Jost, Heinz Hügli: A Multi-Resolution Scheme ICP Algorithm for Fast Shape Registration. 3DPVT 2002: 540-543
8EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli, Pierre-Yves Burgi, Pierre-François Ruedi: A Real Time Implementation of the Saliency-Based Model of Visual Attention on a SIMD Architecture. DAGM-Symposium 2002: 282-289
7EETimothée Jost, Heinz Hügli: Fast ICP Algorithms for Shape Registration. DAGM-Symposium 2002: 91-99
6EENabil Ouerhani, Neculai Archip, Heinz Hügli, Pierre-Jean Erard: Visual Attention Guided Seed Selection for Color Image Segmentation. CAIP 2001: 630-637
5EENabil Ouerhani, Heinz Hügli: Computing Visual Attention from Scene Depth. ICPR 2000: 1375-1378
4 Timothée Jost, Christian Schütz, Heinz Hügli: Color Digitizing and Modeling of Free-form 3D Objects. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1999: 38-48
3 Christian Schütz, Timothée Jost, Heinz Hügli: Semi-automatic 3D Object Digitizing System Using Range Images. ACCV (1) 1998: 490-497
2EEHeinz Hügli, Christian Schütz: Geometric Matching of 3-D Objects: Assessing the Range of Successful Initial Configurations. 3DIM 1997: 101-106
1 Philippe Thévenaz, Heinz Hügli: Optical Flow Estimation Using Line Image Sequences. Pattern Recognition 1988: 468-477

Coauthor Index

1Neculai Archip [6]
2Iva Bogdanova [21]
3Alexandre Bur [17] [18] [20] [21]
4Pierre-Yves Burgi [8]
5Alain Codourey [14]
6Pierre-Jean Erard [6]
7Gabriel Gruener [14]
8Timothée Jost [3] [4] [7] [9] [13] [15] [16]
9René Müri [15]
10Nabil Ouerhani [5] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
11Pierre-François Ruedi [8]
12Christian Schütz [2] [3] [4]
13Roland Siegwart [17]
14Adriana Tapus [17]
15Philippe Thévenaz [1]
16Roman von Wartburg [15]
17Thierry Zamofing [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)