
Q. Liu

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7EEA. J. Adewale, I. Dinu, J. D. Potter, Q. Liu, Y. Yasui: Pathway Analysis of Microarray Data via Regression. Journal of Computational Biology 15(3): 269-277 (2008)
6EEQ. Liu, Nasir Ghani, Nageswara S. V. Rao, Ashwin Gumaste, M. L. Garcia: Distributed inter-domain lightpath provisioning in the presence of wavelength conversion. Computer Communications 30(18): 3662-3675 (2007)
5EEJia Li, Q. Liu, Q. Lu, D. P. Taylor: Optical Communication Using Subcarrier PSK Intensity Modulation Through Atmospheric Turbulence Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(6): 1267-1267 (2007)
4EEQ. Liu, M. A. Kok, Nasir Ghani, V. M. Muthalaly, M. Wang: Inter-Domain Provisioning in DWDM Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
3EEQ. Liu, M. A. Kok, Nasir Ghani, V. M. Muthalaly, M. Wang: Hierarchical Inter-Domain Routing in Optical DWDM Networks. INFOCOM 2006
2EEQ. Liu, M. A. Kok, Nasir Ghani, Ashwin Gumaste: Hierarchical routing in multi-domain optical networks. Computer Communications 30(1): 122-131 (2006)
1 Q. Liu, T. Wang: Segmentation of Ultrasonic Medical Image Based on Wavelet Transform and Mathematical Morphology. WAA 2003: 757-760

Coauthor Index

1A. J. Adewale [7]
2I. Dinu [7]
3M. L. Garcia [6]
4Nasir Ghani [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Ashwin Gumaste [2] [6]
6M. A. Kok [2] [3] [4]
7Jia Li [5]
8Q. Lu [5]
9V. M. Muthalaly [3] [4]
10J. D. Potter [7]
11Nageswara S. V. Rao [6]
12D. P. Taylor [5]
13M. Wang [3] [4]
14T. Wang [1]
15Y. Yasui [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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