
Jan Frans Willem Slaets

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6EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira, Jan Frans Willem Slaets: Introduction to the special issue on Emergent Applications of Fractals and Wavelets in Biology and Biomedicine. Applied Mathematics and Computation 207(1): 3-4 (2009)
5EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira, Jan Frans Willem Slaets: Advances on computer-based biological signal processing techniques. Computers & Electrical Engineering 34(2): 79-80 (2008)
4EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira, Jan Frans Willem Slaets: Advances on neural networks for speech and audio processing. Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 107 (2007)
3EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jose Carlos Pereira, Jan Frans Willem Slaets: Introduction to the Special Issue: Advances on pattern recognition for speech and audio processing. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(11): 1283-1284 (2007)
2EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Jan Frans Willem Slaets, Roland Köberle, Lírio Onofre Batista Almeida, Jose Carlos Pereira: A new technique to construct a wavelet transform matching a specified signal with applications to digital, real time, spike, and overlap pattern recognition. Digital Signal Processing 16(1): 24-44 (2006)
1EERodrigo Capobianco Guido, Lucimar Sasso Vieira, Fabrício Lopes Sanchez, Jan Frans Willem Slaets, Lyrio Onofre Almeida, Adilson Gonzaga, Marcelo Bianchi: A Matched FIR Filter Bank for Audio Coding.. ISM 2005: 796-801

Coauthor Index

1Lírio Onofre Batista Almeida [2]
2Lyrio Onofre Almeida [1]
3Marcelo Bianchi [1]
4Adilson Gonzaga [1]
5Rodrigo Capobianco Guido [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Roland Köberle [2]
7Jose Carlos Pereira [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Fabrício Lopes Sanchez [1]
9Lucimar Sasso Vieira [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)