
Joël Stein

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2EEPatrick Jabouille, Ronan Guivarch, Philippe Kloos, Didier Gazen, Nicolas Gicquel, Luc Giraud, Nicole Asencio, Veronique Ducrocq, Juan Escobar, Jean-Luc Redelsperger, Joël Stein, Jean-Pierre Pinty: Parallelization of the French Meteorological Mesoscale Model MésoNH. Euro-Par 1999: 1417-1422
1EELuc Giraud, Ronan Guivarch, Joël Stein: A Parallel Distributed Fast 3D Poisson Solver for Méso-NH. Euro-Par 1999: 1431-1434

Coauthor Index

1Nicole Asencio [2]
2Veronique Ducrocq [2]
3Juan Escobar [2]
4Didier Gazen [2]
5Nicolas Gicquel [2]
6Luc Giraud [1] [2]
7Ronan Guivarch [1] [2]
8Patrick Jabouille [2]
9Philippe Kloos [2]
10Jean-Pierre Pinty [2]
11Jean-Luc Redelsperger [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)