
Sébastien George

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16EEÉlise Garrot-Lavoué, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: Outil de gestion des connaissances d'une Interconnexion de Communautés de Pratique. Actes d'IC 2009: 25-36
15EEMadeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: Students' Tracking Data: An Approach for Efficiently Tracking Computer Mediated Communications in Distance Learning. ICALT 2008: 783-787
14EEÉlise Garrot, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: The Development of TE-Cap: An Assistance Environment for Online Tutors. EC-TEL 2007: 481-486
13EEChristine Michel, Élise Garrot, Sébastien George: Instrumented Collective Learning Situations (ICLS): the Gap between Theoretical Research and Observed Practices CoRR abs/0707.2934: (2007)
12EEChristine Michel, Élise Garrot, Sébastien George: Situations d'apprentissage collectives instrumentées : étude de pratiques dans l'enseignement supérieur CoRR abs/0707.3014: (2007)
11EEMadeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: A Web-based System for Observing and Analyzing Computer Mediated Communications CoRR abs/0712.1759: (2007)
10EESébastien George, Alain Derycke: Conceptions et usages des plates-formes de formation, Revue Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation CoRR abs/0712.1768: (2007)
9EESébastien George, Cécile Bothorel: Conception d'outils de communication spécifiques au contexte éducatif CoRR abs/0712.1800: (2007)
8EENicolas Manin, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: Using Virtual Learners' Behaviours to Help the Development of Educational Business Games. EC-TEL 2006: 287-301
7 Élise Garrot, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: A System to Support Tutors in Adapting Distance Learning Situations to Students. WEBIST (2) 2006: 261-267
6EEMadeth May, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt: A Web-Based System for Observing and Analyzing Computer Mediated Communications. Web Intelligence 2006: 983-986
5 Désirée Titon, Sébastien George: Simulating Learners in Educational Games. CELDA 2005: 541-542
4 Sébastien George, Hervé Labas: Fostering Discussions with Forum Tools Based on E-Learning Standards. CELDA 2005: 60-68
3 Sébastien George: Contextualizing Discussions in Distance Learning Systems. ICALT 2004
2EESébastien George: Structured contextual forum: a study for e-learning. IHM 2003: 104-111
1EESébastien George, Pascal Leroux: An Approach to Automatic Analysis of Learners' Social Behavior During Computer-Mediated Synchronous Conversations. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 630-640

Coauthor Index

1Cécile Bothorel [9]
2Alain Derycke [10]
3Élise Garrot-Lavoué (Élise Garrot) [7] [12] [13] [14] [16]
4Hervé Labas [4]
5Pascal Leroux [1]
6Nicolas Manin [8]
7Madeth May [6] [11] [15]
8Christine Michel [12] [13]
9Patrick Prévôt [6] [7] [8] [11] [14] [15] [16]
10Désirée Titon [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)