
Eric Gautrin

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6 Joël Champeau, Luc Le Pape, Bernard Pottier, Stéphane Rubini, Eric Gautrin, Laurent Perraudeau: Flexible Parallel FPGA-Based Architectures with ArMe. HICSS (1) 1994: 105-113
5 Patrice Frison, François Charot, Eric Gautrin, Dominique Lavenier, Patrice Quinton, Frédéric Raimbault, Charles Wagner: From Equations to Hardware. Towards the Systematic Mapping of Algorithms onto Parallel Architectures. IJPRAI 8(2): 417-438 (1994)
4 François Charot, Patrice Frison, Eric Gautrin, Dominique Lavenier, Patrice Quinton, Charles Wagner: From Equations to Hardware: Towards Systematic Mapping of Algorithms onto Parallel Architectures. ICPIA 1992: 1-15
3 Eric Gautrin, Laurent Perraudeau: MADMACS: an environment for the layout of regular arrays. Synthesis for Control Dominated Circuits 1992: 345-358
2 Jean Marie Filloque, Eric Gautrin, Bernard Pottier: Efficient Global Computations on a Processor Network with Programmable Logic. PARLE (1) 1991: 69-82
1EEPatrice Frison, Eric Gautrin: MADMACS: a new VLSI layout macro editor. DAC 1986: 654-658

Coauthor Index

1Joël Champeau [6]
2François Charot [4] [5]
3Jean Marie Filloque [2]
4Patrice Frison [1] [4] [5]
5Dominique Lavenier [4] [5]
6Luc Le Pape [6]
7Laurent Perraudeau [3] [6]
8Bernard Pottier [2] [6]
9Patrice Quinton [4] [5]
10Frédéric Raimbault [5]
11Stéphane Rubini [6]
12Charles Wagner [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)