
A. Garcia

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11EEM. Alef, Thomas Fieseler, S. Freitag, A. Garcia, C. Grimm, Wolfgang Gürich, H. Mehammed, Lars Schley, O. Schneider, Gian Luca Volpato: Integration of multiple middlewares on a single computing resource. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25(3): 268-274 (2009)
10EEB. Estrany, P. Fuster, A. Garcia, Yuhua Luo: Human computer interface by EOG tracking. PETRA 2008: 96
9EES. Callan, C. Lariscy, B. Claroni, A. Garcia, S. Murray: Stimulax: psychological relationship modeling software student paper. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 517-518
8EEEnrique Campos-Náñez, N. Fabra, A. Garcia: Dynamic Auctions for On-Demand Services. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(6): 878-886 (2007)
7EEA. Garcia, A. Cenjor, Y. Chang, M. de la Fuente: An Agent-Oriented Design Methodology for RFID Improved Manufacturing Control. ETFA 2006: 790-796
6EEStéphane Nicolau, A. Garcia, Xavier Pennec, Luc Soler, Nicholas Ayache: An augmented reality system to guide radio-frequency tumour ablation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 16(1): 1-10 (2005)
5EEV. Richard Benjamins, Jesús Contreras, Mercedes Blázquez, Juan Manuel Dodero, A. Garcia, Eva Navas, Francisca Hernández, Carlos Wert: Cultural Heritage and the Semantic Web. ESWS 2004: 433-444
4 M. Casals, X. Roca, N. Forcada, A. Garcia, M. Gangolells, D. Vives: Virtual teaching for construction. ISPE CE 2003: 1221-1227
3EEA. Garcia: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 44(5): 667 (2000)
2 A. Garcia, Frédéric Truchetet, Olivier Laligant, Christophe Dumont, Eric Verrecchia, Mongi A. Abidi: Multiscale Analysis of 3D Surface Image: Application to Clam Shell Characterization. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1998: 126-133
1 A. Garcia, Richard Giegé, J. P. Behr: New photoactivatable structural and affinity probes of RNAs: specific features and applications for mapping of spermine binding sites in yeast tRNA(Asp) and interaction of this tRNA with yeast aspartyl-tRNA synthetase. Nucleic Acids Research 18(1): 89-95 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Mongi A. Abidi [2]
2M. Alef [11]
3Nicholas Ayache [6]
4J. P. Behr [1]
5V. Richard Benjamins [5]
6Mercedes Blázquez [5]
7S. Callan [9]
8Enrique Campos-Náñez [8]
9M. Casals [4]
10A. Cenjor [7]
11Y. Chang [7]
12B. Claroni [9]
13Jesús Contreras [5]
14Juan Manuel Dodero [5]
15Christophe Dumont [2]
16B. Estrany [10]
17N. Fabra [8]
18Thomas Fieseler [11]
19N. Forcada [4]
20S. Freitag [11]
21M. de la Fuente [7]
22P. Fuster [10]
23M. Gangolells [4]
24Richard Giegé [1]
25C. Grimm [11]
26Wolfgang Gürich [11]
27Francisca Hernández [5]
28Olivier Laligant [2]
29C. Lariscy [9]
30Yuhua Luo [10]
31H. Mehammed [11]
32S. Murray [9]
33Eva Navas [5]
34Stéphane Nicolau [6]
35Xavier Pennec [6]
36X. Roca [4]
37Lars Schley [11]
38O. Schneider [11]
39Luc Soler [6]
40Frédéric Truchetet [2]
41Eric Verrecchia [2]
42D. Vives [4]
43Gian Luca Volpato [11]
44Carlos Wert [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)