
Andreas Gössling

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4EEAndreas Gössling, Martin Wollschlaeger: On working with the concept of integration ontologies. ETFA 2008: 709-712
3EEChristin Groba, Sebastian Cech, Frank Rosenthal, Andreas Gössling: Architecture of a Predictive Maintenance Framework. CISIM 2007: 59-64
2 Roman Frenzel, Martin Wollschlaeger, Andreas Gössling: Erweitertes Life-Cycle Management für Geräte in der Automatisierung. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2007: 369-380
1EEJens Müller, Andreas Gössling, Sergei Gorlatch: On correctness of scalable multi-server state replication in online games. NETGAMES 2006: 21

Coauthor Index

1Sebastian Cech [3]
2Roman Frenzel [2]
3Sergei Gorlatch [1]
4Christin Groba [3]
5Jens Müller [1]
6Frank Rosenthal [3]
7Martin Wollschlaeger [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)