
John H. Frazer

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10EEZhenyu (Peter) Gu, Ming Xi Tang, John H. Frazer: Capturing aesthetic intention during interactive evolution. Computer-Aided Design 38(3): 224-237 (2006)
9EEXiyu Liu, Ming Xi Tang, John H. Frazer: An eco-conscious housing design model based on co-evolution. Advances in Engineering Software 36(2): 115-125 (2005)
8EEWeidong Fang, Ming Xi Tang, John H. Frazer: Supporting Collaborative Product Design in an Agent Based Environment. IEA/AIE 2003: 447-460
7EEXiyu Liu, John H. Frazer, Ming Xi Tang: Visualization and Genetic Algorithms in Minimax Theory for Nonlinear Functionals. J. Sci. Comput. 18(1): 49-68 (2003)
6 Patrick Janssen, John H. Frazer, Ming Xi Tang: Evolutionary Design Systems and Generative Processes. Appl. Intell. 16(2): 119-128 (2002)
5EEQianping Wang, John H. Frazer, Ming Xi Tang: Design Visualization Based on a Machine Readable Physical Model. IV 2001: 665-670
4EERobert Aish, James L. Frankel, John H. Frazer, Anthony T. Patera: Computational construction kits for geometric modeling and design (Panel Abstract). SI3D 2001: 125-128
3 Xiaotong Wang, Ming Xi Tang, John H. Frazer: Creative stimulator: An interface to enhance creativity in pattern design. AI EDAM 15(5): 433-440 (2001)
2 Ning Gu, Ming Xi Tang, John H. Frazer, Kang Zhang, Xuebiao Xu, Baile Shi: Architecture and Implementation of an Object Multidatabase Platform Supporting Cooperation. CODAS 1999: 192-203
1EEJohn H. Frazer: The Co-operative Evolution of Buildings and Cities. CoBuild 1998: 130-141

Coauthor Index

1Robert Aish [4]
2Weidong Fang [8]
3James L. Frankel [4]
4Ning Gu [2]
5Zhenyu (Peter) Gu [10]
6Patrick Janssen [6]
7Xiyu Liu [7] [9]
8Anthony T. Patera [4]
9Baile Shi (Bole Shi) [2]
10Ming Xi Tang [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Qianping Wang [5]
12Xiaotong Wang [3]
13Xuebiao Xu [2]
14Kang Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)