
James L. Frankel

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4EERobert Aish, James L. Frankel, John H. Frazer, Anthony T. Patera: Computational construction kits for geometric modeling and design (Panel Abstract). SI3D 2001: 125-128
3EEDavid Anderson, James L. Frankel, Joe Marks, Aseem Agarwala, Paul A. Beardsley, Jessica K. Hodgins, Darren Leigh, Kathy Ryall, Eddie Sullivan, Jonathan S. Yedidia: Tangible interaction + graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling. SIGGRAPH 2000: 393-402
2EEDavid Anderson, James L. Frankel, Joe Marks, Darren Leigh, Eddie Sullivan, Jonathan S. Yedidia, Kathy Ryall: Building Virtual Structures with Physical Blocks. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1999: 71-72
1 Alexander C. Klaiber, James L. Frankel: Comparing Data-Parallel and Message-Passing Paradigms. ICPP 1993: 11-20

Coauthor Index

1Aseem Agarwala [3]
2Robert Aish [4]
3David Anderson [2] [3]
4Paul A. Beardsley [3]
5John H. Frazer [4]
6Jessica K. Hodgins [3]
7Alexander C. Klaiber [1]
8Darren Leigh [2] [3]
9Joe Marks [2] [3]
10Anthony T. Patera [4]
11Kathy Ryall (Kathleen Ryall) [2] [3]
12Eddie Sullivan [2] [3]
13Jonathan S. Yedidia [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)