
Giuseppe Ficili

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9EEGiuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: A Fuzzy Buffer Management Scheme For ATM and IP Networks. INFOCOM 2001: 1539-1547
8 Vincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: An integrated framework for traffic control in ATM networks based on soft-computing techniques. Inf. Sci. 138(1-4): 31-44 (2001)
7 Vincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: A Framework for Traffic Control in Integrated Services Networks Based on Fuzzy Logic. Applied Informatics 1999: 427-429
6EEGiuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: A fuzzy algorithm for combined control of traffic parameters: assessment and key issues. Computer Communications 22(3): 199-210 (1999)
5EEVincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: On the impact of traffic control algorithms on resource management in ATM networks. Computer Communications 22(3): 258-265 (1999)
4EEGiuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili: Design of a VLSI Hardware PET Decoder. VLSI Design 1997: 253-256
3EEVincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Sergio Palazzo, Daniela Panno: A comparative analysis of fuzzy versus conventional policing mechanisms for ATM networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(3): 449-459 (1996)
2EEVincenzo Catania, Giuseppe Ficili, Sergio Palazzo, Daniela Panno: A fuzzy decision maker for source traffic control in high speed networks. ICNP 1995: 136-143
1EEGiuseppe Ascia, Giuseppe Ficili, Daniela Panno: Design of a VLSI fuzzy processor for ATM traffic sources management. LCN 1995: 62-

Coauthor Index

1Giuseppe Ascia [1] [4] [9]
2Vincenzo Catania [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Sergio Palazzo [2] [3]
4Daniela Panno [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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