
Jean-Luc Bosson

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5EEJean-Jacques Banihachemi, Eric Boidard, Jean-Luc Bosson, Luc Bressollette, Ivan Bricault, Philippe Cinquin, Gilbert Ferretti, Maud Marchal, Thomas Martinelli, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Franck Pellissier, Christian Roux, Dominique Saragaglia, Pierre Thorel, Jocelyne Troccaz, Adriana Vilchis Gonzales: TER: A Robot for Remote Ultrasonic Examination: Experimental Evaluations CoRR abs/0801.4355: (2008)
4EEThomas Martinelli, Jean-Luc Bosson, Luc Bressollette, Franck Pellissier, Eric Boidard, Jocelyne Troccaz, Philippe Cinquin: Robot-based tele-echography: clinical evaluation of the TER system in abdominal aortic exploration CoRR abs/0711.4523: (2007)
3EEAdriana Vilchis Gonzales, Kohji Masuda, Marc Althuser, Jean-Marc Ayoubi, Jean-Luc Bosson, Jocelyne Troccaz, Philippe Cinquin: Télé-Échographie Robotisée: des concepts à la validation clinique. Annales des Télécommunications 58(5-6): 687-697 (2003)
2 Jocelyne Troccaz, Delphine Henry, Noureddine Laieb, Guillaume Champleboux, Jean-Luc Bosson, Olivier Pichot: Simulators for medical training: application to vascular ultrasound imaging. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 11(1): 51-65 (2000)
1EEDelphine Henry, Jocelyne Troccaz, Jean-Luc Bosson, Olivier Pichot: Ultrasound Imaging Simulation: Application to the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thromboses of Lower Limbs. MICCAI 1998: 1032-1040

Coauthor Index

1Marc Althuser [3]
2Jean-Marc Ayoubi [3]
3Jean-Jacques Banihachemi [5]
4Eric Boidard [4] [5]
5Luc Bressollette [4] [5]
6Ivan Bricault [5]
7Guillaume Champleboux [2]
8Philippe Cinquin [3] [4] [5]
9Gilbert Ferretti [5]
10Adriana Vilchis Gonzales [3] [5]
11Delphine Henry [1] [2]
12Noureddine Laieb [2]
13Maud Marchal [5]
14Thomas Martinelli [4] [5]
15Kohji Masuda [3]
16Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry [5]
17Franck Pellissier [4] [5]
18Olivier Pichot [1] [2]
19Christian Roux [5]
20Dominique Saragaglia [5]
21Pierre Thorel [5]
22Jocelyne Troccaz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)