
Lokendra Shastri

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29EELokendra Shastri: A Neural Architecture for Reasoning, Decision-making, and Episiodic Memory: Taking a Cue from the Brain (Abstract of Invited Talk). NeSy 2007
28EELokendra Shastri: SHRUTI: A Neurally Motivated Architecture for Rapid, Scalable Inference. Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration 2007: 183-203
27EECarter Wendelken, Lokendra Shastri: Connectionist mechanisms for cognitive control. Neurocomputing 65-66: 663-672 (2005)
26EECarter Wendelken, Lokendra Shastri: Multiple instantiation and rule mediation in SHRUTI. Connect. Sci. 16(3): 211-217 (2004)
25EELokendra Shastri, Carter Wendelken: Learning structured representations. Neurocomputing 52-54: 363-370 (2003)
24EEJacek Mandziuk, Lokendra Shastri: Incremental class learning approach and its application to handwritten digit recognition. Inf. Sci. 141(3-4): 193-217 (2002)
23EELokendra Shastri: A computationally efficient abstraction of long-term potentiation. Neurocomputing 44-46: 33-41 (2002)
22EELokendra Shastri: Biological Grounding of Recruitment Learning and Vicinal Algorithms in Long-Term Potentiation. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience 2001: 348-367
21EELokendra Shastri: A computational model of episodic memory formation in the hippocampal system. Neurocomputing 38-40: 889-897 (2001)
20 Lokendra Shastri, Carter Wendelken: Soft Computing in SHRUTI - A Neurally Plausible Model of Reflexive Reasoning and Relational Information Processing. IIA/SOCO 1999
19 Lokendra Shastri: Advances in SHRUTI-A Neurally Motivated Model of Relational Knowledge Representation and Rapid Inference Using Temporal Synchrony. Appl. Intell. 11(1): 79-108 (1999)
18EELokendra Shastri: Recruitment of binding and binding-error detector circuits via long-term potentiation. Neurocomputing 26-27: 865-874 (1999)
17 Lokendra Shastri: Types and Quantifiers in SHRUTI: A Connectionist Model of Rapid Reasoning and Relational Processing. Hybrid Neural Systems 1998: 28-45
16 Jacek Mandziuk, Lokendra Shastri: Incremental Class Learning Approach and its Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 203-206
15 Claudio M. Privitera, Lokendra Shastri: Temporal Compositional Processing by a DSOM Hierarchical Model. ICANN 1996: 457-462
14EERé Audouin, Lokendra Shastri: Incremental character recognition with feature attribution. ICDAR 1995: 837-840
13EELokendra Shastri, Thomas Fontaine: Recognizing Handwritten Digit Strings Using Modular Spatio-temporal Connectionist Networks. Connect. Sci. 7(3-4): 211-246 (1995)
12EELokendra Shastri: Guest Editor's Introduction. IEEE Expert 9(4): 2- (1994)
11 Lokendra Shastri: A Computational Model of Tractable Reasoning - Taking Inspiration from Cognition. IJCAI 1993: 202-207
10 Lokendra Shastri, Venkat Ajjanagadde: An Optimally Efficient Limited Inference System. AAAI 1990: 563-570
9 Lokendra Shastri, Venkat Ajjanagadde, D. R. Mani: An Optimally Efficient, Limited Inference, Connectionist Rule-Based Reasoning System with an Included Type Hierarchy. Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems 1990: 366
8 Lokendra Shastri: Connectionism, Knowledge Representation, and Effective Reasoning. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1989: 186-195
7 Lokendra Shastri: Default Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formalization of Recognition and Inheritance. Artif. Intell. 39(3): 283-355 (1989)
6 Garrison W. Cottrell, Pradip Dey, Joachim Diederich, Peter A. Reich, Lokendra Shastri, Akinori Yonezawa: Parallel processing in computational linguistics. COLING 1988: 595-598
5 Lokendra Shastri: A Connectionist Approach to Knowledge Representation and Limited Inference. Cognitive Science 12(3): 331-392 (1988)
4 Raymond L. Watrous, Lokendra Shastri: Learning Phonetic Features Using Connectionist Networks. IJCAI 1987: 851-854
3EEAravind K. Joshi, Timothy W. Finin, Dale Miller, Lokendra Shastri, Bonnie L. Webber: Research in Natural Language Processing. HLT 1986
2 Lokendra Shastri, Jerome A. Feldman: Evidential Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formal Theory. IJCAI 1985: 465-474
1 Steven L. Small, Garrison W. Cottrell, Lokendra Shastri: Toward Connectionist Parsing. AAAI 1982: 247-250

Coauthor Index

1Venkat Ajjanagadde [9] [10]
2Ré Audouin [14]
3Garrison W. Cottrell [1] [6]
4Pradip Dey [6]
5Joachim Diederich [6]
6Jerome A. Feldman [2]
7Timothy W. Finin (Tim Finin) [3]
8Thomas Fontaine [13]
9Aravind K. Joshi [3]
10Jacek Mandziuk [16] [24]
11D. R. Mani [9]
12Dale Miller [3]
13Claudio M. Privitera [15]
14Peter A. Reich [6]
15Steven L. Small [1]
16Raymond L. Watrous [4]
17Bonnie L. Webber [3]
18Carter Wendelken [20] [25] [26] [27]
19Akinori Yonezawa [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)