
E. John Sebes

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6EEDeborah Shands, Jay Jacobs, Richard Yee, E. John Sebes: Secure virtual enclaves: Supporting coalition use of distributed application technologies. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 4(2): 103-133 (2001)
5EEDeborah Shands, Richard Yee, Jay Jacobs, E. John Sebes: Secure Virtual Enclaves: Supporting Coalition Use of Distributed Application Technologies. NDSS 2000
4 Catherine D. McCollum, Donald B. Faatz, William R. Herndon, E. John Sebes, Roshan K. Thomas: Distributed Object Technologies, Databases and Security. DBSec 1997: 17-31
3EEE. John Sebes, Terry C. Vickers Benzel: SIGMA: Security For Distributed Object Interoperability Between Trusted And Untrusted Systems. ACSAC 1996: 158-169
2 E. John Sebes, Richard J. Feiertag: Implicit Discretionary Access Propagation: A new Interpretation of DAC. CSFW 1991: 183-187
1 E. John Sebes: Distributed Trusted Mach Architecture. USENIX MACH Symposium 1991: 251-262

Coauthor Index

1Terry C. Vickers Benzel [3]
2Donald B. Faatz [4]
3Richard J. Feiertag [2]
4William R. Herndon [4]
5Jay Jacobs [5] [6]
6Catherine D. McCollum [4]
7Deborah Shands [5] [6]
8Roshan K. Thomas [4]
9Richard Yee [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)