
Mark R. Fahey

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11EEMark R. Fahey, Jeff M. Larkin, Joylika Adams: I/O performance on a massively parallel Cray XT3/XT4. IPDPS 2008: 1-12
10EESadaf R. Alam, Richard F. Barrett, M. Bast, Mark R. Fahey, Jeffery A. Kuehn, Collin McCurdy, J. Rogers, Philip C. Roth, Ramanan Sankaran, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Patrick H. Worley, Weikuan Yu: Early evaluation of IBM BlueGene/P. SC 2008: 23
9EESadaf R. Alam, Jeffery A. Kuehn, Richard F. Barrett, Jeff M. Larkin, Mark R. Fahey, Ramanan Sankaran, Patrick H. Worley: Cray XT4: an early evaluation for petascale scientific simulation. SC 2007: 39
8EEJeffrey S. Vetter, Sadaf R. Alam, Thomas H. Dunigan Jr., Mark R. Fahey, Philip C. Roth, Patrick H. Worley: Early evaluation of the Cray XT3. IPDPS 2006
7EEMark R. Fahey: Poster reception - Portable performance optimizations based on a performance history of the fusion microturbulence code GYRO. SC 2006: 189
6EEEduardo F. D'Azevedo, Mark R. Fahey, Richard Tran Mills: Vectorized Sparse Matrix Multiply for Compressed Row Storage Format. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2005: 99-106
5EEMark R. Fahey, Jeff Candy: GYRO: A 5-D Gyrokinetic-Maxwell Solver. SC 2004: 26
4EEThomas H. Dunigan, Mark R. Fahey, James B. White III, Patrick H. Worley: Early Evaluation of the Cray X1. SC 2003: 18
3EEMark R. Fahey: Algorithm 826: A parallel eigenvalue routine for complex Hessenberg matrices. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 29(3): 326-336 (2003)
2EEPatrick H. Worley, Thomas H. Dunigan, Mark R. Fahey, James B. White III, Arthur S. Bland: Early evaluation of the IBM p690. SC 2002: 1-21
1 Mark R. Fahey: New Parallel Routines for Dense Complex Eigenvalue Applications. PPSC 2001

Coauthor Index

1Joylika Adams [11]
2Sadaf R. Alam [8] [9] [10]
3Richard F. Barrett [9] [10]
4M. Bast [10]
5Arthur S. Bland [2]
6Jeff Candy [5]
7Eduardo F. D'Azevedo [6]
8Thomas H. Dunigan (Thomas H. Dunigan Jr., Tom Dunigan) [2] [4] [8]
9Jeffery A. Kuehn [9] [10]
10Jeff M. Larkin [9] [11]
11Collin McCurdy [10]
12Richard Tran Mills [6]
13J. Rogers [10]
14Philip C. Roth [8] [10]
15Ramanan Sankaran [9] [10]
16Jeffrey S. Vetter [8] [10]
17James B. White III [2] [4]
18Patrick H. Worley [2] [4] [8] [9] [10]
19Weikuan Yu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)