
Robert S. MacLeod

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9EEShibaji Shome, Robert S. MacLeod: Simultaneous High-Resolution Electrical Imaging of Endocardial, Epicardial and Torso-Tank Surfaces Under Varying Cardiac Metabolic Load and Coronary Flow. FIMH 2007: 320-329
8EEMatthew Jolley, Jeroen Stinstra, David M. Weinstein, Steve Pieper, Raúl San José Estépar, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Robert S. MacLeod, Dana H. Brooks, John K. Triedman: Open-Source Environment for Interactive Finite Element Modeling of Optimal ICD Electrode Placement. FIMH 2007: 373-382
7EEFelipe Calderero, Alireza Ghodrati, Dana H. Brooks, Gilead Tadmor, Robert S. MacLeod: A Method to Reconstruct Activation Wavefronts Without Isotropy Assumptions Using a Level Sets Approach. FIMH 2005: 195-204
6 Robert S. MacLeod, David M. Weinstein, J. Davison de St. Germain, Christopher R. Johnson, Steven G. Parker, Dana H. Brooks: SCIRun/BioPSE: Integrated Problem Solving Environment for Bioelectric Field Problems and Visualization. ISBI 2004: 640-643
5EEChristopher R. Johnson, Robert S. MacLeod, Steven G. Parker, David M. Weinstein: Biomedical computing and visualization software environments. Commun. ACM 47(11): 64-71 (2004)
4 Y. Serinagaoglu, Dana H. Brooks, Robert S. MacLeod: A Bayesian approach to inclusion and performance analysis of using extra information in bioelectric inverse problems. ICIP (1) 2003: 1089-1092
3 Dana H. Brooks, Robert S. MacLeod: Imaging the Electrical Activity of the Heart: Direct and Inverse Approaches. ICIP (3) 1994: 548-552
2 Christopher R. Johnson, Robert S. MacLeod, Michael A. Matheson: Computational Medicine: Bioelectric Field Problems. IEEE Computer 26(10): 59-67 (1993)
1 Robert S. MacLeod, N. E. Harrison, Christopher R. Johnson, Michael A. Matheson: Visualization of Cardiac Bioelectricty - A Case Study. IEEE Visualization 1992: 411-418

Coauthor Index

1Dana H. Brooks [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
2Felipe Calderero [7]
3Raúl San José Estépar [8]
4J. Davison de St. Germain [6]
5Alireza Ghodrati [7]
6N. E. Harrison [1]
7Christopher R. Johnson [1] [2] [5] [6]
8Matthew Jolley [8]
9Gordon L. Kindlmann [8]
10Michael A. Matheson [1] [2]
11Steven G. Parker [5] [6]
12Steve Pieper [8]
13Y. Serinagaoglu [4]
14Shibaji Shome [9]
15Jeroen Stinstra [8]
16Gilead Tadmor [7]
17John K. Triedman [8]
18David M. Weinstein [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)