
Harry R. Erwin

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9EEJindong Liu, Harry R. Erwin, Stefan Wermter, Mahmoud Elsaid: A Biologically Inspired Spiking Neural Network for Sound Localisation by the Inferior Colliculus. ICANN (2) 2008: 396-405
8EEJindong Liu, Harry R. Erwin, Stefan Wermter: Mobile robot broadband sound localisation using a biologically inspired spiking neural network. IROS 2008: 2191-2196
7EEWalter J. Freeman, Harry R. Erwin: Freeman K-set. Scholarpedia 3(2): 3238 (2008)
6EEJohn C. Murray, Stefan Wermter, Harry R. Erwin: Bioinspired Auditory Sound Localisation for Improving the Signal to Noise Ratio of Socially Interactive Robots. IROS 2006: 1206-1211
5EEJohn C. Murray, Harry R. Erwin, Stefan Wermter: A Hybrid Architecture Using Cross-Correlation and Recurrent Neural Networks for Acoustic Tracking in Robots. Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots 2005: 73-87
4EEStefan Wermter, Cornelius Weber, Mark Elshaw, Christo Panchev, Harry R. Erwin, Friedemann Pulvermüller: Towards multimodal neural robot learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 47(2-3): 171-175 (2004)
3EEPaul S. Prueitt, Harry R. Erwin: Learning as self-organization not self-gratification: The Fourth Appalachian Conference on Behavioral Neurodynamics. Neurocomputing 11(2-4): 323-328 (1996)
2 Harry R. Erwin: Mixing and Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions in Computer Systems. CMG Transactions 1(2): 3-5 (1989)
1 Harry R. Erwin: Performance Engineering Techniques for Complex Dynamic Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1988: 1-4

Coauthor Index

1Mahmoud Elsaid [9]
2Mark Elshaw [4]
3Walter J. Freeman [7]
4Jindong Liu [8] [9]
5John C. Murray [5] [6]
6Christo Panchev [4]
7Paul S. Prueitt [3]
8Friedemann Pulvermüller [4]
9Cornelius Weber [4]
10Stefan Wermter [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)