
Christian C. Enz

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18EEAmre El-Hoiydi, Claude Arm, R. Caseiro, Stefan Cserveny, Jean-Dominique Decotignie, Christian C. Enz, F. Giroud, S. Gyger, E. Leroux, Thierry Melly, Vincent Peiris, F. Pengg, P.-D. Pfister, N. Raemy, A. Ribordy, D. Ruffieux, P. Volet: The ultra low-power wiseNET system. DATE 2006: 971-976
17EEU. Yodprasit, Christian C. Enz: On an implementation of differential and quadrature Colpitts injection-locked frequency dividers. ISCAS 2006
16EEU. Yodprasit, Christian C. Enz: Realization of a low-voltage and low-power Colpitts quadrature oscillator. ISCAS 2006
15EEMario Zagalj, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Christian C. Enz: Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in All-Wireless Networks. Wireless Networks 11(1-2): 177-188 (2005)
14 Nicola Scolari, Christian C. Enz: Digital receiver architectures for the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. ISCAS (4) 2004: 345-348
13 Jérémie Chabloz, Christian C. Enz: A novel I/Q mismatch compensation scheme for a low-IF receiver front-end. ISCAS (4) 2004: 453-456
12EEChristian C. Enz, Amre El-Hoiydi, Jean-Dominique Decotignie, Vincent Peiris: WiseNET: An Ultralow-Power Wireless Sensor Network Solution. IEEE Computer 37(8): 62-70 (2004)
11EEU. Yodprasit, Christian C. Enz: Nonlinear analysis of a Colpitts injection-locked frequency divider. ISCAS (1) 2003: 629-632
10EEAmre El-Hoiydi, Jean-Dominique Decotignie, Christian C. Enz, E. Le Roux: wiseMAC, an ultra low power MAC protocol for the wiseNET wireless sensor network. SenSys 2003: 302-303
9EEMario Zagalj, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Christian C. Enz: Minimum-energy broadcast in all-wireless networks: : NP-completeness and distribution issues. MOBICOM 2002: 172-182
8 David Blaauw, Christian C. Enz, Thaddeus Gabara, Enrico Macii: Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2000, Rapallo, Italy, July 25-27, 2000 ACM 2000
7EEAlain-Serge Porret, Thierry Melly, Eric A. Vittoz, Christian C. Enz: Tradeoffs and design of an ultra low power UHF transceiver integrated in a standard digital CMOS process. ISLPED 2000: 273-278
6EED. Python, Christian C. Enz: An antialiasing filter using complementary MOS transconductors biased in the triode region. ISCAS (2) 1999: 184-187
5EED. Python, Manfred Punzenberger, Christian C. Enz: A 1-V CMOS log-domain integrator. ISCAS (2) 1999: 685-688
4EEThierry Melly, Alain-Serge Porret, Christian C. Enz, M. Kayal, Eric A. Vittoz: A 1.2V, 430MHz, 4dBm power amplifier and a 250muW front-end, using a standard digital CMOS process. ISLPED 1999: 233-237
3 F. Yang, Christian C. Enz, D. Python: A New BiCMOS Low-Voltage and Low-Distortion OTA for Continuous-Time Filters. ISCAS 1995: 1199-1202
2 Gerson A. S. Machado, Christian C. Enz, Matthias Bucher: Estimating Key Parameters in the EKV MOST Model for Analogue Desgin and Simulation. ISCAS 1995: 1588-1591
1 Manfred Punzenberger, Christian C. Enz: Low-Voltage Companding Current-Mode Integrators. ISCAS 1995: 2112-2115

Coauthor Index

1Claude Arm [18]
2David Blaauw (David T. Blaauw) [8]
3Matthias Bucher [2]
4Mario Cagalj (Mario Zagalj) [9] [15]
5R. Caseiro [18]
6Jérémie Chabloz [13]
7Stefan Cserveny [18]
8Jean-Dominique Decotignie [10] [12] [18]
9Amre El-Hoiydi [10] [12] [18]
10Thaddeus Gabara [8]
11F. Giroud [18]
12S. Gyger [18]
13Jean-Pierre Hubaux [9] [15]
14M. Kayal [4]
15E. Leroux [18]
16Gerson A. S. Machado [2]
17Enrico Macii [8]
18Thierry Melly [4] [7] [18]
19Vincent Peiris [12] [18]
20F. Pengg [18]
21P.-D. Pfister [18]
22Alain-Serge Porret [4] [7]
23Manfred Punzenberger [1] [5]
24D. Python [3] [5] [6]
25N. Raemy [18]
26A. Ribordy [18]
27E. Le Roux [10]
28D. Ruffieux [18]
29Nicola Scolari [14]
30Eric A. Vittoz [4] [7]
31P. Volet [18]
32F. Yang [3]
33U. Yodprasit [11] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)