
Martin C. Emele

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14 Michael Dorna, Anette Frank, Josef van Genabith, Martin C. Emele: Syntactic and Semantic Transfer with F-Structures. COLING-ACL 1998: 341-347
13 Martin C. Emele, Michael Dorna: Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations. COLING-ACL 1998: 365-371
12EEMichael Dorna, Martin C. Emele: Semantic-based Transfer. COLING 1996: 316-321
11 Michael Dorna, Martin C. Emele: Efficient Implementation of a Semantic-based Transfer Approach. ECAI 1996: 567-571
10EEMichael Dorna, Martin C. Emele: Semantic-based Transfer CoRR cmp-lg/9607009: (1996)
9EEMichael Dorna, Martin C. Emele: Efficient Implementation of a Semantic-based Transfer Approach CoRR cmp-lg/9607010: (1996)
8EEJohn A. Bateman, Martin C. Emele, Stefan Momma: The Nondirectional Representation Of Systemic Functional Grammars And Semantics As Typed Feature Structures. COLING 1992: 916-920
7EEMartin C. Emele, Ulrich Heid, Stefan Momma, Rémi Zajac: Interactions between linguistic constraints: Procedural vs. declarative approaches. Machine Translation 7(1-2): 61-98 (1992)
6 Martin C. Emele: Unification with Lazy Non-Redundant Copying. ACL 1991: 323-330
5EEMartin C. Emele, Ulrich Heid, Stefan Momma, Rémi Zajac: Organizing linguistic knowledge for multilingual generation. COLING 1990: 102-107
4EEMartin C. Emele, Rémi Zajac: Typed Unification Grammars. COLING 1990: 293-298
3 Martin C. Emele, Rémi Zajac: A Fixed-Point Semantics for Feature Type Systems. CTRS 1990: 383-388
2 Martin C. Emele: Überlegungen zu einer Two-level Morphologie für das Deutsche. ÖGAI 1988: 156-163
1 Martin C. Emele: FREGE: Ein objektorientierter FRont-End-GEnerator. GWAI 1987: 64-73

Coauthor Index

1John A. Bateman [8]
2Michael Dorna [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
3Anette Frank [14]
4Josef van Genabith [14]
5Ulrich Heid [5] [7]
6Stefan Momma [5] [7] [8]
7Rémi Zajac [3] [4] [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)