
Rémi Zajac

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12EEJan W. Amtrup, Karine Megerdoomian, Rémi Zajac: Rapid Development of Translation Tools: Application to Persian and Turkish. COLING 2000: 982-986
11EERémi Zajac, Mark Casper, Nigel Sharples: An Open Distributed Architecture for Reuse and Integration of Heterogeneous NLP Components. ANLP 1997: 245-252
10EERémi Zajac, Michelle Vanni: Glossary-Based MT Engines in a Multilingual Analyst's Workstation Architecture. Machine Translation 12(1-2): 131-151 (1997)
9EERémi Zajac: Towards Computer-Aided Linguistic Engineering. COLING 1992: 827-834
8 Rémi Zajac: Inheritance and Constraint-Based Grammar Formalisms. Computational Linguistics 18(2): 159-182 (1992)
7EEMartin C. Emele, Ulrich Heid, Stefan Momma, Rémi Zajac: Interactions between linguistic constraints: Procedural vs. declarative approaches. Machine Translation 7(1-2): 61-98 (1992)
6EEMartin C. Emele, Ulrich Heid, Stefan Momma, Rémi Zajac: Organizing linguistic knowledge for multilingual generation. COLING 1990: 102-107
5EEMartin C. Emele, Rémi Zajac: Typed Unification Grammars. COLING 1990: 293-298
4 Martin C. Emele, Rémi Zajac: A Fixed-Point Semantics for Feature Type Systems. CTRS 1990: 383-388
3 Rémi Zajac: A Transfer Model Using a Typed Feature Structure Rewriting System with Inheritance. ACL 1989: 1-6
2 Rémi Zajac: Interactive translation: a new approach. COLING 1988: 785-790
1 Rémi Zajac: SCSL: A linguistic specification language for MT. COLING 1986: 393-398

Coauthor Index

1Jan W. Amtrup [12]
2Mark Casper [11]
3Martin C. Emele [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Ulrich Heid [6] [7]
5Karine Megerdoomian [12]
6Stefan Momma [6] [7]
7Nigel Sharples [11]
8Michelle Vanni [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)